78mph in a 60mph in a van



Original Poster:

1,304 posts

203 months

Saturday 14th May 2016
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As above

My friend was driving a Ford Custom and the undercover police caught him just about to overtake on a 3/4 mile straight, nice clear night, and a new van etc etc

Police pulled him over and was told he was doing 78mph @1453 meters.

He already has 3 points for speeding 18 months ago(no other points on the licence)

They said to me...ooops i mean my mate that its careless driving and to expect 3-5 points on my licence.

Just curious to what to expect - Points wise.

I admitted guilt and didn't "act up" just took it on the chin, he said he has to submit a report and will take into consideration the weather conditions, fact it was a long straight and so on.

I feel like an idiot, not usually a fast driver but was in a rush to pick someone up. Lesson learned tho.

Edit - I should add I do 40k a year in my company car but I know this means nothing to the above issue.

Edited by TheHighlander on Saturday 14th May 19:50

Edited by TheHighlander on Saturday 14th May 19:51


Original Poster:

1,304 posts

203 months

Saturday 14th May 2016
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I should only of being doing 50mph, it was a single carriageway.

The traffic officer seemed to think between 3-6 points and around £400 fine.


Original Poster:

1,304 posts

203 months

Saturday 14th May 2016
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He said I will get a letter and have the option to plead via post.

Said its classed as careless driving.


Original Poster:

1,304 posts

203 months

Saturday 14th May 2016
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This could be my wording that's made it sound stupid.

Just wondering what to expect as I drive for a living (Sales Engineer for Scotland) I asked the policeman the outcome and he said best case scenario 3 points and worst 5 and a hefty fine. He said I definitely will not get a ban is what matters.

Been many years since I've been in this situation.

Edited by TheHighlander on Saturday 14th May 23:34


Original Poster:

1,304 posts

203 months

Sunday 15th May 2016
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It wouldn't concern me if I was in a car.

Typical it's when I borrow the works van for moving house.


Original Poster:

1,304 posts

203 months

Sunday 15th May 2016
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I'll just be pleasing guilty by post.


Original Poster:

1,304 posts

203 months

Sunday 15th May 2016
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Sorry I understand what you mean.

I don't mind getting more points tbh. Just need to take my time now. Lesson learnt.


Original Poster:

1,304 posts

203 months

Tuesday 17th May 2016
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As far as I'm aware at a certain speed its classed as careless which is 3-5 points.

I remember 10 years ago when i was 20 I got caught at 98mph in a 60mph in my Impreza STI (young and stupid) I got 5 points and a £500 fine as it was classed as careless driving.