Modern civil aircraft *yawn*

Modern civil aircraft *yawn*



Original Poster:

187 posts

179 months

Tuesday 24th July 2012
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Please forgive me making a negative post, but sitting in my garden this morning watching various nondescript things flying (quietly) overhead got me to pondering how modern Aircraft, like cars have become so bland, 'white goods'-like. When I were a lad I could name everything, quite often by the rackit it made; Viscounts, Vanguards, Britannias, not to mention Comets, Caravelles, VC10's etc. Anyone feel the same?


Original Poster:

187 posts

179 months

Tuesday 24th July 2012
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52classic said:
Definately agree with OP. Perhaps it doesn't help that you can undertake a 'plane journey these days without ever seeing the aircraft from the outside!

I recall the 'concourse' at Cardiff airport being at ground level so anything bigger than a Dakota would pass a wing OVER the viewing public to park at the main stands. For me the highlight of the Wales France international at the old Arms Park was not the game but the chartered Air France Connie which would make a guest appearance at Rhoose.
Thanks for some great replies to an admittedly dowmbeat post! One other feature I miss 'from the old days' is the smell of aviation fuel at airports....


Original Poster:

187 posts

179 months

Thursday 16th August 2012
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I thought you might like to see this; In the 60's my father worked for the Board of Trade or the Civil Aviation Authority (?). Every summer he somehow managed to get us holiday accomodation in a building adjacent to the runway at Bournemouth Hurn Airport. This was when the Bristol Superfreighter car ferries ( I think it was British United Airways )were operating the cross channel service about every half hour. I would watch every one take off and land. There was no security at all in those days. I seem to remember also that there were occasionally Fleet Air Arm Sea Vixens and Buccaneers coming and going....


Original Poster:

187 posts

179 months

Thursday 16th August 2012
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Yes Eric, that was me in 1964. That's why I liked the smell of aviation fuel...