M-103 and the Future of blasphemy

M-103 and the Future of blasphemy



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175 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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To me M-103 is Canada at it's most naive, it was pushed by a Muslim Brotherhood student and brings what i thought was an open inclusive and enlightened country closer to almost Sharia type laws.

To me it's a bundling of an ideology with race, it shows a willingness within the political elite to stifle any issues people have with Islam.

I'd like to know others thoughts on this. (keep it to the subject please, i know im not the kinda guy you'd want to kiss, thats been made clear)


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2,912 posts

175 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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"If you criticise your enemies, they win" - Trudeau 2017


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175 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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I do not understand you Greg?


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2,912 posts

175 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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S13_Alan said:
Patrick Bateman said:
The likes of Christopher Hitchens always summed up this best.


'Islamophobia' is such a nonsense, poorly defined term. Some people would say you were 'Islamophobic' or 'racist' for harshly criticising and calling out Islam as a bad ideology, Ben Affleck for example-


The first clip was what came to mind, along with his fantastic speech on, well, free speech. Funnily in Canada (iirc) about this exact same subject, but years ago - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyoOfRog1EM

It would be nice to have Hitchens still around, although I think Douglas Murray is doing a very good job. One of the few who they seem to let on TV that actually talks sense.

Edited by S13_Alan on Saturday 25th March 16:08
Amazing videos, his books are a difficult read for an educated man like me, but Hitch 22 has a special place on the book shelf.

Douglas Murray is doing a very good job of filling the Hitchen's shaped void and i do enjoy the way he speaks and what he speaks about.


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175 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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Nothing shows the issues i've been trying to get across better than the whole to-do about cartoons. Thanks for a great video, for anyone curious to who this chap is, go read into the chap J B Peterson.


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175 months

Tuesday 28th March 2017
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All i can say about the whole fascist protests to Peterson is "Smugglypuff" go youtube any videos about this chunky little liar and you'll see the scum who protest him for vacuous reasons.


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175 months

Wednesday 29th March 2017
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RTB said:
Don't we have a case of bigotry by limited expectations?

What a great many left leaning commentators are suggesting is that Muslims are somehow unable to show tolerance to other views or enter into a discussion about their ideology because they are Muslim.

By not holding them to the same levels of civilised discourse that should be the minimum standard in any multi-religious secular democracy we are essentially showing a bigoted mindset that they are somehow incapable of having those discussions.
Holding groups to different levels?

When has that happened:
According to Dutch media advisors from the anti-discrimination bureau MiND said that, while homophobic abuse was usually a crime, it was justifiable if you were Muslim due to laws on freedom of religious expression.

They argued that the Koran says it is acceptable to kill people for being homosexual, and so death threats towards gay people from Muslims could not be discriminatory.

In a jaw-dropping email explaining why they could not take up the complaint, they wrote: “The remarks must be seen in the context of religious beliefs in Islam, which juridically takes away the insulting character."


Original Poster:

2,912 posts

175 months

Saturday 22nd April 2017
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Thanks for posting this vid and the Tarek Fatah vid Goaty