Christians on PH?


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Saturday 25th June 2016
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This is Slightly obscure and I know some people may wish hate on me, but oh well.
I was wondering out of all the population of PH are there any Christians who are both follows of Christ and lovers of cars?? I work for a church in London but Christians who are seriously into cars are a rare find. If you are the above please post, maybe we could arrange a meet at some point.

Locations would be helpful or names of Churches attended, happy with vague addresses to keep your personal privacy smile

Please don't post if you only wish to insult, and this is simply to know of others that feel the same as me, and this is not designed to upset or offend.

God Bless!! Low Pro

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Saturday 25th June 2016
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stuartmmcfc said:
I'm one but you'll find there's to many people that love to ridicule and go on about "sky faries" or "invisible friend" on here.
Point taken, shame people have nothing more productive to do

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Saturday 25th June 2016
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Higgs boson said:
Another atheist here.
However, my brother was a missionary, my wife is a Sunday school teacher. Her sister was a missionary, and all her family are church-goers.
I know what a black sheep feels like! biggrin
Must be something in it do you not think?

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Saturday 25th June 2016
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Thanks to those who have posted, cant help but find it funny how this topic has attracted far more non believers, just a note if you do want to know more about the hope Christians have in Christ and why let me know

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Sunday 26th June 2016
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Thanks for those who have posted, good to know of other Christians, to those who wish simply to insult Christians please don't, we have done nothing to warrant this abuse. I also stated in the original post please don't post anything if you only wish to throw hate at this topic, which is unfair you would not do this to any other group of people. If you find you have any questions about The hope we have in Chirst ask, but please stop abusing this topic

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Monday 27th June 2016
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I'm still here!! Sunday's are a busy day for me 3 church services!!
However I am amazed at the response haha brilliant have loved the banter too, if Jesus drove a car... Have asked that question myself but came down in favour of he would be hitch hiker as he never owned anything material.

Would love to invite you guys to my church, would be a right laugh, I didn't expect quite so many responses though, turns out Christiananty is very popular on PH, even if your not a Christian.

Keep the topic going, try not to throw too much hate at Christians I understand that some of you guys really have a issue with Christ, but ask questions if you really want to know more.

To those asking about other Faiths, I already do outreach to Muslims and Atheists and anyone else but I am interested in reaching those into cars, hence why I'm here....

Keep posting

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Monday 27th June 2016
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Noodle1982 said:
Serious question time to any believers...

I class myself as an atheist but if I was to experience jesus/god/anything supernatural I would hold my hands up and say ok I've been wrong all along. When I say experience I mean in the cold light of day, fully awake, sober with witnesses.

Would any of you Christians (or anyone religious) be as accepting if there ever was concrete evidence of how the world/universe/life began, disproving everything you've been taught and believed in religion?
It's hard to answer your second question but the life of the Christian is based upon Gods word, aka the Bible.
However in answering the first question is a little more easy,
Pharisees would ask the same question of Jesus, we would believe with some kind of miracle, however it was a attude of the heart that stopped them from believing.

A good place to start with any interest in Christ is the Gospel of John, you can read it for free here:

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Monday 27th June 2016
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Cupradupra said:
Northern Irish Christian here!

Glad to see a topic on this and great to see so many other Christians replying!

Over here we have churches that organise Car Meets with BBQ's etc and use that as a great way to meet other Christians who love cars and Jesus. It's also a great for outreach as many people who aren't Christians come along and have a great time.

In my church, we have plenty of petrolheads - One with a nice XKr, Range Rover Overfinch, CLA AMG, myself with my 208 GTi to name but a few!

As it has been mentioned before on this topic regarding persecution and making fun of Christians, if it were a topic on homosexual people who love cars or Muslims who love cars, etc and people went on and posted as they have here, it wouldn't be too long before the thread was closed and users were banned...

To those Christians who have posted, good on you! smile
That's brilliant!!! I would love to organise that for my church, the thing is the CofE which I am part of, has no blokes my age and statistically the 20-30 male age group is the lowest it ever has been in church, and I see that PH is a good tool for outreach. It's encouraging tho to read posts like yours cheers!!

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Monday 27th June 2016
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[quote=ciege]Christian here...

Once a TVR owner
Once a Landrover Series owner
Once a Reliant Scimitar owner/quote]

You must have walked to church then ;-)

Thanks again for the posts guys

Quick note for those who have questions about the Old Testament, when you read OT scripture you need to see it in the light of Jesus and the cross because he came to fulfill the law of the OT.

Better to ask questions about the Gospels.... Easier to answer ;-) lol

Keep posting all in good spirit (pardon the pun)

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Monday 27th June 2016
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julian64 said:
Low Pro said:
Thanks to those who have posted, cant help but find it funny how this topic has attracted far more non believers, just a note if you do want to know more about the hope Christians have in Christ and why let me know
You aren't answering the obvious question which has attracted the comments. Why do you need a Christian to talk about cars with when you are on a internet forum full of car enthusiasts. It isn't like Jesus had an opinion on them to link to.

Its also interesting you think people who have made these comments are non-believers.

So you make a very odd post which is akin to saying something like I'm heterosexual and like cars, are there any other heterosexuals out there who like cars and would like to meet up. And then you find it funny when people comment on this and assume they are all non heterosexuals.

Its an odd post and an even odder reaction to the obvious question you have posed.
I read this twice and still don't get it, but I did explain that there are not many Christians into cars, although I have been proved wrong here, but also I like telling people about Christ and this is exactly that!!!!

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Tuesday 28th June 2016
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SpeckledJim said:
Ari said:
SpeckledJim said:
How does a God-fearing Christian sleep at night having spent £100,000 on a car, when a malaria net is £2.50 and saves lives?

Aren't they honestly worried about justifying decisions like that to St Peter?
Odd question. confused

I'm not remotely religious but even I can see that the two aren't mutually exclusive - owning a £100,000 doesn't stop you buying malaria nets.
St Peter
"hey-up Dave. I'm St Peter, you're dead, and I suppose you'd like to come in?"

Dead Dave
"Ciao Pete, I did think the ground was coming up to meet me a bit fast, so 'dead' does make a bit of sense. Yes, I would like to come in, please."

St Peter
"OK, a bit of admin. In April 2016 you read an article about the effectiveness of malaria nets, and later that week, bought a new Range Rover..."

Dead Dave
"Umm, yes, I did."

St Peter
"Well, if you'd kept your old Range Rover and put the money into the malaria nets you read about, there would be 10 children alive on Earth today who are actually now in here with me, J and the big G."

Dead Dave
"Crikey. I see what you mean. But it was the V8 Autobiography, with the perforated hide. Really nice..."

St Peter
"Get lost, Dave. There's loads of this stuff in your file. Really rubbish Christianing. You knew the craic. We told you the good news, and you nodded along, and ignored it. You even sang the right songs on Sunday! You were taking the piss! Bye."
The mistake your making is equating salvation to works. I am saved not because of the good I have done but because my hope is in Christ. No man/woman will ever reach the standard of "good" because we are all sinful, therefore if you sell all you have to the poor so you can say in pride I have saved lots of people from death then your no better than when you started.

However when you trust in Christ ie believe he is the son of God all of his perfect life is account to you, you are in Christ (which is mentioned in Corinthains)

Now... When a Christian is doing things like serving the poor etc they are doing not to say "hey I'm amazing", they say it because I myself have been served let me serve you.

Added to this though a Christian will say let me help you but let me tell you something far more important, the Gospel of Christ which saves people from death.

Evangelism is said to be like one beggar telling another beggar where to find the bread.
Really is that simple

Apologies for my spelling I am a bit dyslexic

Low Pro

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200 posts

166 months

Tuesday 28th June 2016
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SpeckledJim said:
Low Pro said:
SpeckledJim said:
Ari said:
SpeckledJim said:
How does a God-fearing Christian sleep at night having spent £100,000 on a car, when a malaria net is £2.50 and saves lives?

Aren't they honestly worried about justifying decisions like that to St Peter?
Odd question. confused

I'm not remotely religious but even I can see that the two aren't mutually exclusive - owning a £100,000 doesn't stop you buying malaria nets.
St Peter
"hey-up Dave. I'm St Peter, you're dead, and I suppose you'd like to come in?"

Dead Dave
"Ciao Pete, I did think the ground was coming up to meet me a bit fast, so 'dead' does make a bit of sense. Yes, I would like to come in, please."

St Peter
"OK, a bit of admin. In April 2016 you read an article about the effectiveness of malaria nets, and later that week, bought a new Range Rover..."

Dead Dave
"Umm, yes, I did."

St Peter
"Well, if you'd kept your old Range Rover and put the money into the malaria nets you read about, there would be 10 children alive on Earth today who are actually now in here with me, J and the big G."

Dead Dave
"Crikey. I see what you mean. But it was the V8 Autobiography, with the perforated hide. Really nice..."

St Peter
"Get lost, Dave. There's loads of this stuff in your file. Really rubbish Christianing. You knew the craic. We told you the good news, and you nodded along, and ignored it. You even sang the right songs on Sunday! You were taking the piss! Bye."
The mistake your making is equating salvation to works. I am saved not because of the good I have done but because my hope is in Christ. No man/woman will ever reach the standard of "good" because we are all sinful, therefore if you sell all you have to the poor so you can say in pride I have saved lots of people from death then your no better than when you started.

However when you trust in Christ ie believe he is the son of God all of his perfect life is account to you, you are in Christ (which is mentioned in Corinthains)

Now... When a Christian is doing things like serving the poor etc they are doing not to say "hey I'm amazing", they say it because I myself have been served let me serve you.

Added to this though a Christian will say let me help you but let me tell you something far more important, the Gospel of Christ which saves people from death.

Evangelism is said to be like one beggar telling another beggar where to find the bread.
Really is that simple

Apologies for my spelling I am a bit dyslexic
Sounds like you are taking a bit of a chance if you are gambling that God's overall 'be good, try your best' doesn't extend to wasting all your money on selfish crap, when you could be literally saving lives with it.

Considering the blink of an eye we spend on Earth and the eternity of bliss on offer, I'm not sure I'd be taking the risk.

Why not just be Very Very Good. It's only 80 years, isn't it?
Well the Christian should use what God has given them wisely bible tells us to use our gifts for the glory of God ie not wasting money on cars etc but using it to proclaim the gospel and honour God.

But being very very good isn't good enough for God, this is why Jesus came.

And if you consider saving peoples earthly life your missing the point because they still die and will have to face Christ in judgement, I'd rather tell them the Gospel that can save there lives for eternity than just "a blink of an eye" as you put it

Low Pro

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166 months

Tuesday 28th June 2016
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in a bid to keep this topic from spiraling out of control please ask questions if you genuinely want to believe scripture it would appear that people are only interested in playing devils advocate (pun intended).
I say this so we don't waste our time posting for no good reason

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166 months

Wednesday 29th June 2016
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I apologise for the inconvenience that has been cause for me starting the topic, I thought it wouldn't have quite the effect it has had, my short sightedness on thinking that people on PH would be fairly nice has been completely destroyed, if you know how to close a topic let me know
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