When after work drinks go wrong...

When after work drinks go wrong...



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183 months

Saturday 10th September 2016
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Things are going to be interesting on Monday morning.

A Friday night pub crawl with some mates from work somehow turned into a st version of fight club with the guy I sit next to at work.

Nice bloke who I've met up with a fair bit outside of the office. Mid 30's, Birmingham lad, total geek but seems to have a switch which goes off randomly when he's pissed.

As he was staggering out of the pub I wished him good luck with his mrs (i.e have fun getting passed her in that state). He took this the wrong way and started kicking off a bit, decided I'd calm him down and get him a taxi sharpish.

As we get outside he tells me that the girls I was chatting to at the bar and I were 'taking the piss' and takes a full on swing for me. Being as pissed as he was it was a crap punch and my manager pulled him away.

Our manager then got punched as he was trying to sort him out. He then starts coming after me again which leads to me being chased down a few streets. Totally mental.

Something similar happened a couple of Christmases ago when he took a swing for another guy a work, being a Christmas thing and people being exceedingly nice nothing ever came of it.

Really nice fella, just has this temper which comes out of nowhere when he's pissed - but only once in a blue moon.

Feel sorry for him, it's going to be a st hangover tomorrow.


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183 months

Saturday 10th September 2016
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Thing is we're good mates as far as colleagues go. There are a few people in the office I'd love an excuse to punch but he's never been one of them.

The guy totally lost his st, ended up hitting a barman who came outside to try and calm him down too. Was total carnage.

No idea what the fallout will be, going to contact my manager and tell him I'm happy to put it down to too much booze and move on. Seeing as he punched him too; the ball will be in his court.

Bloke has a wife and a young kid so would rather not see him out of a job even if he was being a dick.


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183 months

Sunday 11th September 2016
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AW111 said:
IanCormac said:
For what it's worth I have been training in martial arts for a long time but my first priority would be to not be in the scenario in the first place due to reasonable awareness of when people are going to kick off and the next would be to remove myself from the scenario if at all possible.
Which is very sensible, and totally at odds with your first, sneering post :
IanCormac said:
Why didn't you just put him on the floor instead of running away from him like a shrieking woman? You didn't need to beat him unconscious but I can't imagine why running away with your skirt flailing was in any way cool?
So are you mr sensible, or billy big bks, today?
Was about to post something similar - thanks for saving me the bother hehe

Still it wouldn't be PH without a martial arts 'expert' stepping in and telling us all how he'd take him out with his extensive training and no doubt powerfully built physique.

My training ended when I quit Judo in primary school though I have read Bravo Two Zero and watched the Matrix a few times so I'm sure I could of improvised.

That said I'm interested to know how to 'put him on the floor' without either knocking him out (incredibly dangerous) or getting him in a hold where I'd be stuck hanging onto him until police / drunk idiots intervened and made a crap situation much worse.

GC8 said:
I know someone who found himself in this situation recently. Currently looking at a manslaughter charge. It isn't like it looks on the telly.

Jesus, I can't even imagine to think what that would be like. How did it happen?

Reminds me of a club in Brighton called the Ocean Rooms. New years day a few years back, a guy got punched and hit his head on the way down. Died a few days later. From what I heard it was a daft argument, a lucky punch and an unlucky fall.

Rumor was the bouncers tried to cover it up by dragging him outside the club, hence it being closed down.

Anyway, I got an impressively grovelling text from him yesterday. Told him he hit like a girl and to apologize to our boss and the barman hit too. 'What, I don't remember punching a barman too!?'. Think he's suitably shamed.

My manager and I agreed it's best forgotten though will be talking to him at work about his conduct to ensure he behaves in future.

cayman-black said:
fk me can't wait for tomorrow.
I'm not looking forward to the awkwardness but it's nothing compared to how my lunatic colleague is feeling I imagine laugh

Edited by CountZero23 on Sunday 11th September 23:00


Original Poster:

1,288 posts

183 months

Monday 26th September 2016
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Shakermaker said:
Still no update OP? You've left us hanging on for a week now!
Apologies, bad form when the OP does a runner on their own thread.

Needless to say, the bloke in question was a contrite, embarrassed and shamed wreck on Monday. The boss had him apologise to half the office, all rather awkward. Shook his hand and told him not to be such a daft sod in future.

He explained his weekend as waking up from a nightmare every morning and then realising it had all actually happened. His face was a picture as I filled in a few of the blanks.

He's not been out for any post work drinks since. Might be a few weeks yet until the awkwardness between us dissipates hehe

We're only a couple of months from our Christmas do, will give you lot an update if there's a Part II (or III technically given his antics at one a couple of years ago...)

All sounds rather tame compared with some of the posts here!