Shipping Cars to Australia - What, Why and How (The Rules)
Archive #20009366
Q. Where can I find the rules and regulations for importing vehicles in to Australia?

A. Here:

Q. I have read the rules and regulations. How do I know what vehicles can be imported under RAWS / SEVS?

A. Use this search engine:
This will display businesses that are able to import and comply vehicles. Note that it will not show import brokers of which there are many. Suggest joining a local forum for your chosen make of vehicle and see who other owners have used.

Q. Can I send a vehicle to Australia to make a quick dollar from?
A. Only if you are willing to follow the import rules and regulations already in place. This could either be as a personal import or you may be able to make your vehicle available to a broker or import business or you may be able to find a local buyer wishing to engage an agent to import the vehicle.

Q. Is it all worth the effort? What vehicles are already available locally and how much do they cost?
A. To get an idea of what is already available here try searching
For more specialist vehicles is a good source. Again try joining Australian car forums to get a feel for the local scene and support for your chosen make.

The import system is locked down tight. There is no way of cheating the system. Follow the rules and regulations to the letter and you will have no problems, try and cheat and you WILL get caught out and you WILL be forced to export the vehicle or destroy it locally! The system has been so heavily locked down due to people trying to cheat the system in particular the pre-1989 scheme, for example trying to pass off a brand new REPLICA Ford GT40 as a 1969 car to get under the pre-89 rules. Another example is hot rods built post 89, using replica components for the majority of the vehicle being passed off as a 1930's original.