Notts/Mansfiels meet TONIGHT

Notts/Mansfiels meet TONIGHT



Original Poster:

13,319 posts

290 months

Wednesday 5th June 2002
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Anyone in the aera tonight, there is a bit of an informal, classic/sports car meeting at the Griffins Head at Papplewick 7ish.
If anyone from the aera is going to Chatsworth it would be nice to sort out convoys etc, and if past attendences are anything to go by they is usually a wide selection of motors (Cobra, Ultima, MG, TVR, etc)

If you need more info let me know


682 posts

292 months

Wednesday 5th June 2002
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Sure you don't wanna change the location of that meet?

To a garage in Carlton containing a still-poorly Midget, and an owner desperately trying to get it finished for the MOT tomorrow (Thursday) 16:00!?!

(just so it's ready for the Chatsworth thing)

And bring your own spanners 'cos I am gonna need all the help I can get I reckon...

Seriously - Should make it over though, if only for a break from squirming around under the damn car.

Cheers, Phil


Original Poster:

13,319 posts

290 months

Wednesday 5th June 2002
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For future reference, this is a monthly meeting :

The 1st Wednesday of each month, during summer

Anyone, in anything welcome!