2019 Jeep Compass Oil Pressure Issues

2019 Jeep Compass Oil Pressure Issues



Original Poster:

50 posts

160 months

Thursday 11th July 2024
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Hi all

Well this one has got me at a bit of a dead end with my only other option being to take it to a specialist (££££!!!!).

2019 Jeep Compass 1.6 diesel (FIAT engine), had service light come on, read error code as P0521 engine oil pressure sensor/switch circuit range/performance.

So have replaced the oil pressure switch and done oil & filter change and still have the issue.

The car is about 50% down on power (accelerating from 20mph-50 is very sluggish) and not sure if this is linked but sometimes when you press ignition button once (car ignition comes on), then again without the clutch down the car starts up (instead of then turning off as the clutch isn't down). This happens about 50% of the time and works fine the other 50%.

There is also the oil change required light which also will not reset (despite trying pedal sequence etc to reset)

My neighbour works in a "regular" garage and we used his more in depth snap on scanner tool to check the car is recognizing when the clutch is up/down/halfway (which it is), and to try and see if any other codes or if we can clear the code/oil change reminder, which it couldn't.

My thinking is, maybe the car is in some kind of "limp" mode due to thinking there's either an oil pressure issue, or that the oil change is overdue. There is little info online about these engines but essentially i believe it's the FIAT lump as this is when FIAT owned Jeep, still is hard to get any more info.

Two mechanics I know and have spoken to have never seen a car start up without the clutch pedal pressed like this.

Any ideas chaps?




30,545 posts

293 months

Thursday 11th July 2024
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As far as the clutch goes, I can only imagine that the ECU has decided the clutch signal is unreliable.

Can't advise on the other issues, but it would be extraordinary for an engine to go into limp mode without showing codes explaining why.

If you have any doubt about the oil pressure, get it checked mechanically. Most electronic/electrical problems will wait while you diagnose them, but if the oil pressuse is low that could escalate fast.


17,582 posts

256 months

Thursday 11th July 2024
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So if it's telling you it isn't happy with the oil pressure sensor....what is it reading ?

Start with the obvious first steps.


1 posts

2 months

Monday 4th November 2024
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Hi John did you get the oil pressure switch limp mode sorted? mine has just done the same last week. I had the jeep serviced on Sunday & the two mechanics and snap-on diagnostic pad could not clear the code. our jeep also has developed that odd no clutch down start. its very baffling .

Going to have to look at jeep main dealer as the lack of power / limp mode is troubling.


Original Poster:

50 posts

160 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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Sorry for lack of response on this i didn't get emails that there were replies.

Car is booked into Jeep specialist tomorrow.

Jenny did you have any luck getting to the bottom of yours?

No idea what the actual oil pressure reading is as dont have a waybof measuring that and can't see anywhere it tells me.


503 posts

159 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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May be wrong but it may be these engines that throw a wobbler and go into limp mode when oil service is over due.
Reset oil service with diagnostics and see what happens.
Worth a try for nowt if you haven’t already done it


Original Poster:

50 posts

160 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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Yeah good point, im going to ask the jeep specialist to reset this as well. I tried all the methods discussed for resetting the oil service interval but no luck. It may be that it needs the specialist computer to do this.

I'll try to remember to post a resolution for this as there just isnt that much info on this issue or many others for these engines.

As far as i know its the fiat 1.6 diesel as i believe fiat owned jeep then. Not looked into that much though.


Original Poster:

50 posts

160 months

Wednesday 11th December 2024
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Well. After i replaced the sensor and did oil and filter change it seems all they needed to do wad use the proper Jeep diagnostic tools to clear the code and any oil service reset (snap on doagnostic tool couldn't)

I used Monza sport who are Jeep specialists in Ashington Sussex and very impressed with them. Half an hour labour to code read, reset and road test with valet incuded.