Samsung TV Colour issues



Original Poster:

1,081 posts

80 months

Friday 12th July
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Fired up the tv to find that we are getting lots of red where it should be black... have updated software and done a reset of all pictures settings, to no effect... Is this TV now landfill?


34 posts

69 months

Friday 12th July
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Is that from an external source? If so, check your HDMI cable, that looks like either a poor connection, or dodgy cable.


34 posts

69 months

Friday 12th July
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If its the same on all inputs/internal source, check this link;


Original Poster:

1,081 posts

80 months

Friday 12th July
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Thanks, yes every source (internal and external) so that rules out cabling


Original Poster:

1,081 posts

80 months

Saturday 13th July
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Well... ive fixed the issue.

I gave the tv a couple of firm taps on the back of it, and the colour returned to normal! Result.