Maserati mechanics in Glasgow area

Maserati mechanics in Glasgow area



Original Poster:

41 posts

224 months

Monday 11th November
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Hi guys, I bought a 2008 Maserati Quattroporte last week and unfortunately it looks like I need a new alternator.
My usual mechanic is 50 miles away and it'd be way too risky to try and get there. So, for this job and future repairs I'd be grateful to know of anyone in the Glasgow and surrounding area you could recommend.
Is it easy to source an alternator and I'm lead to believe it's about a 2hr job?



16 posts

45 months

Monday 11th November
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George Morrison might be interested. @gmmltd on instagram Highly recommended, does a lot of Ferrari, Porsche and interesting stuff.

Edited by Akannajinja on Monday 11th November 16:48

Edited by Akannajinja on Monday 11th November 16:48


3,524 posts

168 months

Thursday 14th November
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You don't need a specialist TBH, my GT is "just another car" to my mechanic, he changed the Alternator a couple of years ago, just find someone competent near you. If that's no good get your breakdown cover folk to take it to your 50 mile away chap


2,308 posts

83 months

Friday 15th November
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Even my local place has auto data times for a lot of Maserati tasks, if they have this, they’re usually happy to give it a go, happier usually than working on shonky old VAG era Bentleys.

A mate had some mechanical work done on his Ferrari in Glasgow and then the Supercar Tech from Edinburgh came to code something in

Bubbas Grill

283 posts

37 months

Tuesday 26th November
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Akannajinja said:
George Morrison might be interested. @gmmltd on instagram Highly recommended, does a lot of Ferrari, Porsche and interesting stuff.

Edited by Akannajinja on Monday 11th November 16:48

Edited by Akannajinja on Monday 11th November 16:48
He will have your trousers off you but your car will work.