How do I remove a v sticky tax disc holder

How do I remove a v sticky tax disc holder



Original Poster:

1,983 posts

235 months

Thursday 6th October 2005
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Recently bought another car - and when I bought a new tax disc found that the old one was stuck to the windscreen with one of those "unstealable" tax disc holders where it seems to be glued to the screen!!

How the F*ck do I get it off??

Any suggestions????


19,926 posts

272 months

Thursday 6th October 2005
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Try a razor blade with a suitable lubricant.


2,101 posts

229 months

Thursday 6th October 2005
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I started peeling mine then gave up, I think they used industrial strength adhesive.


13,633 posts

258 months

Thursday 6th October 2005
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Razor blade


917 posts

258 months

Friday 7th October 2005
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Hair dryer and razor blade. The heat from the HD should soften up the glue to make it much easier to scrape off. With any luck it will come off in one great big old glue bogey.


1 posts

64 months

Friday 21st June
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[quote=fryske]Recently bought another car - and when I bought a new tax disc found that the old one was stuck to the windscreen with one of those &quot;unstealable&quot; tax disc holders where it seems to be glued to the screen!! <br/> <br/>How the F*ck do I get it off?? <br/> <br/>

Get some “sticky stuff remover” by De-Solv-it (Zep) brand and it will remove it in 5 mins. Used for kids stuff. Works a charm.


12,938 posts

173 months

Friday 21st June
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Nomisnotluf ]ryske said:
Recently bought another car - and when I bought a new tax disc found that the old one was stuck to the windscreen with one of those &quot;unstealable&quot; tax disc holders where it seems to be glued to the screen!! <br/> <br/>How the F*ck do I get it off?? <br/> <br/>

Get some “sticky stuff remover” by De-Solv-it (Zep) brand and it will remove it in 5 mins. Used for kids stuff. Works a charm.
You used your first ever post, to reply to a topic from 19 years ago, about a problem that no longer exists. Wow. Bravo.


3,757 posts

133 months

Friday 21st June
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45,227 posts

203 months

Friday 21st June
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He also failed to nest correctly.

This has, after almost two decades, earned the thread a place in the Legendary Thread collection.
