Welcome to the "greatest car" Forum!

Welcome to the "greatest car" Forum!



Original Poster:

12,820 posts

261 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
quotequote all
Hello all, from a pre-Seven owner!


Original Poster:

12,820 posts

261 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
quotequote all
Was thinking of letting you know but guessed you'd find it eventually!


12,899 posts

270 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
quotequote all
jsut to be the last contrib on all messages here

Yes! fame at last.

eric mc

122,798 posts

272 months

Monday 15th September 2003
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Great - nice to see a Seven related forum. Might even have to compete with Blatchat.


8,837 posts

255 months

Sunday 21st September 2003
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I've driven one....which I know isn't the same as owning one


Original Poster:

12,820 posts

261 months

Monday 22nd September 2003
quotequote all
looks good.
Addictive isnt it?