v8s starter motor

v8s starter motor



Original Poster:

7 posts

37 months

Friday 18th October 2024
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Hi, am after any advise on the easiest way to remove the starter motor?...cos it seems very difficult to access all the Allen key bolts.


10,672 posts

234 months

Friday 18th October 2024
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I think it is easiest on a ramp from the underside with extensions and a ratchet. Although, I think I used an allen key with a bar / tube (might have been the tyre iron out of the VW) slipped over it to do the starter on the Wedge (3.5 RV8) from above.

That said, my mammary isn't what it used to be biglaugh


1,759 posts

139 months

Friday 18th October 2024
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Assuming it's the same as on the Chim, I used hex sockets on an extension with a ratchet. Locating was a fiddle but once it's in it's not bad.


Original Poster:

7 posts

37 months

Sunday 20th October 2024
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thanks for the advice


Original Poster:

7 posts

37 months

Sunday 20th October 2024
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however, i cannot see any access to the top hex bolt, without removing exhaust manifold!!?? surely don't have to do that?? but i cannot see how to get any tool onto it otherwise??


17,291 posts

192 months

Sunday 20th October 2024
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I don't know what you are trying to use or what you have available but you need something like this, reach in over the top of the starter motor and "bingo" !


1,759 posts

139 months

Monday 21st October 2024
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They say a picture paints a 1000 words that's what inwas trying to describe. Ironiclynon the Chimaera trmoving the starter motor aides access to some of the manifold bolts.


Original Poster:

7 posts

37 months

Thursday 24th October 2024
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however, i cannot see any access to the top hex bolt, without removing exhaust manifold!!?? surely don't have to do that?? but i cannot see how to get any tool onto it otherwise??


Original Poster:

7 posts

37 months

Thursday 24th October 2024
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thanks, yes i got that out using one of those. Now how the hell do you remove the lower exhaust manifold bolt from no.8 cyl..??? Even without the starter motor i cant get on the bolt and turn it. I can get a socket & knuckle joint with extension bar attached, but there is not enough remove for the knuckle joint to rotate the bolt head...... I bought and used a C shaped ring spanner on my 4.0litre V8S for this bolt, but this does not fit on a 5.0 litre manifold.... any advice please??


17,291 posts

192 months

Thursday 24th October 2024
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Five past six you couldn't see how to do it.

Ten minutes past and it's job done!

Manifold bolts should be the same spanner size, 9/16" AF, whether it's a Griffith, Chimaera or V8s. You may get a 14mm on, very close to a 9/16".

There is the possibility a previous owner has fitted some different bolts, possibly ARP, which have a different spanner size?

What size is the C spanner that won't fit? What size is the socket you got on but can't turn?

It is really just a case of finding what size you need and trying every shape of spanner you can find, manifold gaskets is not an easy job but they can be done wink


1,759 posts

139 months

Saturday 26th October 2024
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I have ARP bolts on my Chim with smaller heads it could be that. I have oversized manifolds and standard bolts would fould the pipes with the bolt corners. Some of the bolts are especially tricky and need you to turn the spanner just to get a tiny amount of movement. Removing an engine mount helps with some of them.