Rear camber adjustment?

Rear camber adjustment?



Original Poster:

5,158 posts

191 months

Saturday 9th November 2024
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Looks like my nearside rear trailing arm is bent 🙁 found the reason the inside of the tyre is being scrubbed off 2.5 deg camber and 39min toe out. As it has later trailing arms, the toe can be adjusted by shims in the joint. BUT I cannot see how the camber could be adjusted?? wedge shim the bearing housing??


30,559 posts

293 months

Saturday 9th November 2024
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I shim between the bearing housing and the trailing arm to adjust toe/camber on mine. In my case I'm increasing negative camber so the shims are at the bottom, which means there's no reduction in the engagement at the top where it's taking weight and damper loads. Going the other way, you'd need to ensure you didn't compromise that connection.

The trailing arms are pretty stout and I'd be concerned whether whatever bent it has done any other damage. I've had a trailing arm let go at speed - one star review, will not be repeating.


Original Poster:

5,158 posts

191 months

Saturday 9th November 2024
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Cheers for that. I'd probably look for closer to -1 deg camber rather than the -2.5 that I have.

Staying with the rear do you run a little toe in or parallel?


30,559 posts

293 months

Saturday 9th November 2024
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It's subjective and depends how you want it to behave, but what works for me is zero toe for a nominal -1 deg camber, add about 0.1 deg toe-in for each -1 deg camber. I typically run somewhere between -2 and -2.5 camber. A tiny amount of toe-in with that reduces scrub a little.


Original Poster:

5,158 posts

191 months

Saturday 9th November 2024
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Is the -2 to 2.5 for track?

My driving is mostly 'spirited' road and some track. I thought initially -1.5deg for all 4 wheels along with close to 0 toe.


30,559 posts

293 months

Saturday 9th November 2024
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magpies said:
I thought initially -1.5deg for all 4 wheels along with close to 0 toe.
That seems perfectly reasonable.