10th of May



Original Poster:

11,956 posts

280 months

Sunday 11th April 2004
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The pwigster and his Rover are coming to Cornwall...

...anyone fancy a blat in the evening on the 10th?


Original Poster:

11,956 posts

280 months

Monday 12th April 2004
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OH come on you miserable bastards


6,992 posts

255 months

Monday 12th April 2004
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you sure it'll get that far!


15,605 posts

278 months

Tuesday 13th April 2004
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Speak quietly in cornwall Pwig , they havent had a good burning for a while and a northener might tip em over the edge

BTW there is some cracking roads down there


Original Poster:

11,956 posts

280 months

Tuesday 13th April 2004
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Im gonna be in St Ives.. which doesn't give me much to go on


3,519 posts

259 months

Tuesday 13th April 2004
quotequote all
We are few and far between it seems down 'ere pwig. Reckon most of 'em are off with the pixies, or pi$$ed on cider a lot of the time too!

You'll be made welcome by the countless thousands of other 'Rover drivers' who reside in these parts though (tartan rugs and panama hats on back shelves are a commpn site).