NZ Spotted...



2,189 posts

276 months

Sunday 18th October 2015
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Spotted by my stepdaughter in Wellington today, she described it as "one weird looking car".
Kids eh?


11,254 posts

268 months

Sunday 18th October 2015
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Has anyone spotted my old CLK63 AMG cab yet? Lives in Remuera and has a CLK AMG's a pic of the car when I still owned it.


4,637 posts

183 months

Monday 19th October 2015
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mark387mw said:

"she described it as "one weird looking car"



1,324 posts

168 months

Tuesday 20th October 2015
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TR7 with a tow-bar? - can see that fish-tailing big time (if towing something)! Unusual to see one in front of the tow-ball!

Edited by dobly on Tuesday 27th October 01:20


10 posts

215 months

Monday 26th October 2015
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Saw this beautiful R34 GTR on 19" TE37's over the weekend and had to stop to take a few pics.


321 posts

179 months

Thursday 5th November 2015
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Ferrari 275GTB spotted on Johns Rd, Christchurch this morning about 6am heading north, there may have been another exotic behind it but I was concentrating so much on the GTB that I didn't notice until I looked in the rear view mirror.


321 posts

179 months

Saturday 7th November 2015
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Then on the way home I saw a black 458 spider on main north rd. Very nice.


31,343 posts

263 months

Wednesday 18th November 2015
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Orange mclaren think 670 in fendalton yesterday, first one I've seen on the roads.

Then white one at Archibalds this morning.

There's some up market car event on in town today that might explain it


321 posts

179 months

Wednesday 25th November 2015
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Yeah, I think it was Giltrap Prestige, they had cars on display at the George. A friend at work spotted a McLaren 12c 50th anniversary model at South City last month, very friendly owner let his kids climb through it.


15,968 posts

239 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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Saw a whole fleet of Triumphs at a reserve near Gore on Saturday - lots of Stags, TR7s etc. Owners club I assume.


1,313 posts

154 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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Deep metallic red TVR, possibly a Sagaris, heading towards Chch last Sunday.

Tony Starks

2,234 posts

221 months

Sunday 6th March 2016
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Anyone know what was going on in New Plymouth today? Red Diablo with the rego 'muleta' or similar, a blue Muira rego 'nolan' or 'logan' or something like that. And a Gallardo.

the Diablo and Muira didnt loom quite right to me, but then its been about 20 years since I've seen real ones in the flesh, so could be wrong.

Still the best cars I've seen in NZ since I've been here.


390 posts

155 months

Sunday 6th March 2016
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The Ferrari club AGM is on down there currently so could be related. Maybe some owners brought their Lambos instead, or they just wanted to tag along.

Tony Starks

2,234 posts

221 months

Sunday 6th March 2016
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Zadkiel said:
The Ferrari club AGM is on down there currently so could be related. Maybe some owners brought their Lambos instead, or they just wanted to tag along.
Ah, that would explain the silver 456. According to Carjam the Diablo is a VT imported from Singapore. No luck on the Muira though. It was a stunning blue though.


329 posts

267 months

Monday 7th March 2016
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Tony Starks said:
No luck on the Muira though. It was a stunning blue though.
? I saw this one a few years back at Ellerslie. 1968, P400, Build number 128 according to notice with it.

Tony Starks

2,234 posts

221 months

Monday 7th March 2016
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alex.tvr said:
? I saw this one a few years back at Ellerslie. 1968, P400, Build number 128 according to notice with it.
That's the one smile


4,614 posts

285 months

Tuesday 8th March 2016
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Tony Starks said:
That's the one smile


4 posts

157 months

Saturday 12th March 2016
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Tony Starks

2,234 posts

221 months

Monday 14th March 2016
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Nice smile

I must have missed the dark grey one, bugger lol.

was it an organised event for all to come along or just a private trip?


4 posts

157 months

Monday 14th March 2016
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Just an annual Lambo meet-up - This year celebrating Ferruccio Lamborghini's
100th Birthday.
Some cars couldn't make it to Whanga.
A great wk-end with good company.
When there - heard that there was also a Ferrari meet-up and saw plenty
on streets of New Plymouth !!!

Edited by dickcars99 on Monday 14th March 16:11