Random TVR Pics (Vol 2)

Random TVR Pics (Vol 2)



1,296 posts

237 months

Wednesday 14th August
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The Three D Mucketeer said:
That's a Gem of a car above hehe

Edited by The Three D Mucketeer on Wednesday 14th August 13:40
I see what you did there thumbup


2,388 posts

27 months

Saturday 17th August
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Any pics of the last of tuscans convertible around?


17,837 posts

285 months

Thursday 22nd August
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Suitably random. Only opened it up to take some new insurance valuation photos …


305 posts

5 months

Thursday 22nd August
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Opening it up won’t help insurance quotations
I’d tell them I drive like miss daisy hehe

Very nice looking car

The Three D Mucketeer

6,110 posts

233 months

Thursday 22nd August
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Whatever123 said:
Any pics of the last of tuscans convertible around?
Besides the one on the previous page...

Plus you'll find virtually every one made on here :-


Edited by The Three D Mucketeer on Friday 6th September 08:33


17,488 posts

230 months

Sunday 25th August
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this came up for sale, I like the rear fender cutouts and hood and old round rear lights and some other things, yes also the V8 in it. hehe

the color combo? I'm not out yet, but not expensive and if I had a double garage then.... but sadly I have not.



5,302 posts

180 months

Sunday 25th August
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Poor Vixen vomit


2,932 posts

215 months

Friday 6th September
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Scan of a photo I took of the new Griff at the NEC in 1990 - it was love at first sight!