Replacing brake hoses - How ?

Replacing brake hoses - How ?



Original Poster:

3,763 posts

276 months

Monday 18th April 2005
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I am going to replace my rubber brake hoses, to goodridge braided hoses on my mini.

I got issues that bugging me.

I hope anyone can answer it for me.

Do you drain the brakes fluid to dry, then swap the hoses?

Or change them while dripping and topping up the fluid? messy job.

Im replacing the fluid and whole new brakes.

this car is 1992 Mini, which has servo assited brakes.



3,357 posts

250 months

Tuesday 19th April 2005
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Release bleed nipples and pump the pedal a few times to clear stuff out - do it one at a time and pipe fluid into a jar for environmentally leastunkindness. That should clear out just enough fluid for whatevers left to be a non-issue.


14,938 posts

248 months

Tuesday 19th April 2005
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If you change then while wet, you can decrease the amount of fluid loss by placing a sheet of polythene (bit of a carrier bag will do) under the mastercylinder filler cap. This blocks off the vent hole in the cap - no air in = no fluid out.



2,718 posts

284 months

Tuesday 19th April 2005
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As you're supposed to replace the brake fluid every 2 years anyway because it absorbs moisture, I'd say this is a good opportunity to do that.


6,924 posts

260 months

Tuesday 19th April 2005
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Also I'd fix any of the solid pipes if they're looking a little ropey. (it is a mini!)