Power Steering expert needed

Power Steering expert needed



Original Poster:

1 posts

9 months

Friday 6th December 2024
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Hello Everyone

I am in need of a bit of help

I am looking for someone who can install some modern/update/half decent power steering in a historic van I have

Ideally based in the south east of the UK

Would really appreciate any help

Happy Christmas to you all


30,565 posts

293 months

Friday 6th December 2024
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You could ask somebody like http://www.kitsandclassics.co.uk/, or look for a similar specialist near you. Alternatively, this is the sort of simple one-off project that motorsport teams will sometimes take on during the 'off' season - see if you can locate any small motorsports teams near you interested in earning a little extra cash.

Are you going to be OK from the point of view of insurance? Customisations to safety critical systems can sometimes be a sticky point.


17,590 posts

256 months

Saturday 7th December 2024
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Joe_G said:
Hello Everyone

I am in need of a bit of help

I am looking for someone who can install some modern/update/half decent power steering in a historic van I have

Ideally based in the south east of the UK

Would really appreciate any help

Happy Christmas to you all
If you simply google "corsa power steering conversion", lots of information will appear.

This will be by far the easiest route as opposed to a new rack and hydraulics.

One of the first that appear, although there will be many
