Next Kettering meet


mark r skinner

16,745 posts

227 months

Tuesday 25th April 2006
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davemitslancer said:
Ill borrow justins camcorder,
would like to get a good collection of footage from different cars and create a northants meet dvd...

would be good to show prospecting members etc..
Good idea. so to recap - trading post wed 26th april. usual time etc. see you there. ps COME ON THE ARSENAL!


1,531 posts

240 months

Tuesday 25th April 2006
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not going to make it now chaps & chapesses.
see you at the next one



3,850 posts

246 months

Wednesday 26th April 2006
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I will be bailing out too (I wasn't going if the other northants bailed out).
And after a late night in Kettering yesterday, I might sleep instead.

We will get to you soon.


2,355 posts

247 months

Wednesday 26th April 2006
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I'll be there around 8:30!


139 posts

244 months

Wednesday 26th April 2006
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I won't be there tonight i've got man flu!
Have a good un......sniff


Original Poster:

8,814 posts

264 months

Wednesday 26th April 2006
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I promise I'll make one of these meets...... one day

Have a good'un

mark r skinner

16,745 posts

227 months

Wednesday 26th April 2006
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another good meet, followed by "the kettering tunnel run"


493 posts

229 months

Thursday 27th April 2006
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The kettering tunnel run is available from all good dvd stockists

He he i should have the video done mark hopefully by saturday... got some very nice tunnel footage and hopin with the camera out of the window we got some good sound also..

Night footage was good.. we have the kettering police leading the procession through kettering on tap also :0)

mark r skinner

16,745 posts

227 months

Thursday 27th April 2006
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davemitslancer said:
The kettering tunnel run is available from all good dvd stockists

He he i should have the video done mark hopefully by saturday... got some very nice tunnel footage and hopin with the camera out of the window we got some good sound also..

Night footage was good.. we have the kettering police leading the procession through kettering on tap also :0)
can`t wait to see it!


2,355 posts

247 months

Thursday 27th April 2006
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So we'll start a Kretterin Tunnel Run and have a meet at the lezzas pub right?!


493 posts

229 months

Friday 28th April 2006
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Steph.. you better start rehersing.. ive put you down for singing mustang sally!


2,355 posts

247 months

Friday 28th April 2006
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Sing? Me? I'll let my Tiv do the singing!


Original Poster:

8,814 posts

264 months

Friday 28th April 2006
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Blipi said:
Sing? Me? I'll let my Tiv do the singing!

Its not singing a note at the mo!!


493 posts

229 months

Friday 28th April 2006
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ooo nice one OGGS


2,355 posts

247 months

Friday 28th April 2006
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Ha harr! But she will better, faster, louder and more impressive when she is back


1,395 posts

241 months

Friday 28th April 2006
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whens the next one? promise ill try and get along to meet you all.

mark r skinner

16,745 posts

227 months

Friday 28th April 2006
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f355spider said:
whens the next one? promise ill try and get along to meet you all.
wednesday evenings at the trading post. next week we`ll be planning the "ashby run"


3,850 posts

246 months

Monday 1st May 2006
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f355spider said:
whens the next one? promise ill try and get along to meet you all.

....before xmas

Bet you still get there sooner than me.


1,395 posts

241 months

Tuesday 2nd May 2006
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Nicol@ said:
f355spider said:
whens the next one? promise ill try and get along to meet you all.

....before xmas

Bet you still get there sooner than me.

behave. your not too old to get put over my knee.


3,850 posts

246 months

Tuesday 2nd May 2006
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f355spider said:

behave. your not too old to get put over my knee.

I'd like to see you try (and fail)

Anyway, I think the thread topic has moved.