Ultima Spyder drive shafts

Ultima Spyder drive shafts



Original Poster:

4 posts

258 months

Tuesday 7th May
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I have a boot split on the outer drive shaft UJ on my 1997 Ultima Spyder. Does anyone know what the drive shaft/ cv boot parts are off please or a good source.


Tye Green

768 posts

115 months

Tuesday 7th May
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I've never had an ultima but nearly all drive shaft CVs on such cars are of the std type so measure the outside diameter of the CV prob either 100mm of 108mm and buy them from ebay


Tye Green

768 posts

115 months

Tuesday 7th May
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should have added that if you measure the shaft's diameter as well and contact JR CV joints they will be able to help.

also, if the shaft diameter where the securing clip (cable tie?) is a non-std size, you can build the shaft diameter up a few millimetres to make it a std size using heat shrink tubing which is impervious to oil/grease etc


Original Poster:

4 posts

258 months

Wednesday 8th May
quotequote all
Thanks for your help