Surround sound..?



Original Poster:

39,803 posts

208 months

Saturday 17th January 2009
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I have searched and seen a few threads, but I was really after some bespoke advice..

I move to a new flat in the coming days, and the TV room is a much better shape than our current. Its a 16x13 room so quite long but narrow(ish).

I have the Panasonic TH37PX80 set, and have been very impressed, however in our current house the walls are paper think and the room is basically a focal point of the house and thus has the stairs going out of it, and many other doors coming off, so the acoustics are poor..

So baring this in mind, what kind of set would work? And where is best to position everything to get the best result (the flat is a 1920's build so decent thickness walls I hope).

Not looking to spend the earth, just some functional kit smile


Original Poster:

39,803 posts

208 months

Saturday 17th January 2009
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BUMP biggrinbiggrin


1,559 posts

218 months

Saturday 17th January 2009
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Try over AVforums, they are to Home cinema/hifi what Piston heads is to cars.