Octopus energy company. Anyone use 'em?

Octopus energy company. Anyone use 'em?



3,756 posts

166 months

Saturday 7th December 2024
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I owe octopus nearly £500 and they're not asking for it

So I think I'll just stay for now. 7p overnight is decent enough


64 months

Sunday 8th December 2024
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A long trip in a bit, charging to 100% (from 25%).
Under £4.50, so under 2.5p a mile in this cold weather..
Plugged the Enyaq in yesterday evening.

The whole house 7pKwh until around 8am.

Been on Octopus Go since Sep, when I got the car. Very happy with it!

October bill, Elec averaged 13.x Kwh
November bill, averaged 14.x Kwh

Edited by anonymous-user on Sunday 8th December 08:14


6,971 posts

225 months

Sunday 8th December 2024
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okgo said:
Yes first bill. It seems to be based on my first reading vs my second.
Did you figure out what was going on?

You can probably tell when our solar and more important home battery got reconnected after moving back in post renovations, close to 1/3 of the cost and our usage hasnt reduced at all smile.

Little Lofty

3,536 posts

161 months

Sunday 8th December 2024
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I done the swap to Tomato on Wednesday and it has transferred over today, so far so good. Thanks for the tip, and sorry for interrupting the Octopus thread smile

Mikey G

4,814 posts

250 months

Monday 9th December 2024
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Little Lofty said:
I done the swap to Tomato on Wednesday and it has transferred over today, so far so good. Thanks for the tip, and sorry for interrupting the Octopus thread smile
I have just done the swap also, should be changing over this weekend. I can make use of the 5p nights all the time and the 14p periods on my days off, I wont have anxiety over expensive days anymore and waiting a number of days in the hope of a cheap day just to do some washing. And my Tracker tariff was due to change in February to a likely more expensive version so may as well make the jump now before the cost cap goes up.


2,205 posts

140 months

Monday 9th December 2024
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Mikey G said:
I have just done the swap also, should be changing over this weekend. I can make use of the 5p nights all the time and the 14p periods on my days off, I wont have anxiety over expensive days anymore and waiting a number of days in the hope of a cheap day just to do some washing. And my Tracker tariff was due to change in February to a likely more expensive version so may as well make the jump now before the cost cap goes up.
This is exactly the situation I was in. I’ve had some good times with Agile but it’s tremendously liberating not to be concerned with the current rates before doing anything. I know I can charge my car at 5p per kwh for 5 hours 7 days per week if I wish.


18,379 posts

181 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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I see tomato do an "agile" tariff called Smile which (at first glance) doesn't appear anywhere near so punitive across 4-7pm, but there is no calculation of how the cost is made up online. Has anyone contacted them to ask about it? Might be cheaper for people on ocotpus agile while still retaining the benefits of lower prices during high wind nights and sunny days.


10,164 posts

160 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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Tracker and Agile prices are not looking good at all for December 11. Agile might well be near its price cap for the evening peak with Tracker on 3x.p per unit depending on the region.

Mikey G

4,814 posts

250 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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An eye watering 32p for electricity tomorrow for Tracker, wished I went to Tomato a week earlier..

Condi said:
I see tomato do an "agile" tariff called Smile which (at first glance) doesn't appear anywhere near so punitive across 4-7pm, but there is no calculation of how the cost is made up online. Has anyone contacted them to ask about it? Might be cheaper for people on ocotpus agile while still retaining the benefits of lower prices during high wind nights and sunny days.
Mine is the Lifestyle Fixed so I get a consistent 5p overnight rate as well as a few hours at 14p in the day but even the normal day rate is lower than price cap at 24p, I dont see the point of an Agile type tariff at those prices in the current climate just to wait for windy/sunny days.


6,856 posts

40 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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KTF said:
Tracker and Agile prices are not looking good at all for December 11. Agile might well be near its price cap for the evening peak with Tracker on 3x.p per unit depending on the region.
This is pickling my noodle as there's a reasonable amount of wind about.



18,379 posts

181 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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Mikey G said:
Mine is the Lifestyle Fixed so I get a consistent 5p overnight rate as well as a few hours at 14p in the day but even the normal day rate is lower than price cap at 24p, I dont see the point of an Agile type tariff at those prices in the current climate just to wait for windy/sunny days.
I guess because you can't predict when the high wind days will be. Last week or over the weekend agile price was very low with the storm.

As I've said before, agile will never look good vs the price cap when gas prices are going up. For the last 2 or 3 years they've been going down (since russia/Ukraine kicked off), or at least lower at delivery than ahead of time. Now the opposite is true then they look expensive. It'll change, and agile will look cheap again. Over the last 7 days or 30 days then agile is cheaper than the price cap, so for now I'll hang with it. Over a 12m period it's been considerably cheaper.

Mikey G

4,814 posts

250 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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Condi said:
I guess because you can't predict when the high wind days will be. Last week or over the weekend agile price was very low with the storm.

As I've said before, agile will never look good vs the price cap when gas prices are going up. For the last 2 or 3 years they've been going down (since russia/Ukraine kicked off), or at least lower at delivery than ahead of time. Now the opposite is true then they look expensive. It'll change, and agile will look cheap again. Over the last 7 days or 30 days then agile is cheaper than the price cap, so for now I'll hang with it. Over a 12m period it's been considerably cheaper.
And yet on Tracker last weekend the lowest I saw was about 18p. Just checked the latest Tracker version prices for tomorrow and its 3p more than my current one. It seems lately Tracker average is a lot higher than previously and we see smaller benefits on the windy days than we have done before which is why I have opted out now, as I said now I wont have price anxiety and I can shift my washing to overnight on any night I want. For me its too good to miss.
I cant go onto an Agile type tariff as I very often charge the PHEV in the evening after work before an early start the next day.


265 posts

6 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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Just checked the Tracker graphs in a panic, I am not seeing the same at all. Gas below the cap, electric well below the cap in my area. 14p last week and average of 17.5p this week. Line is up and down but again well below the cap line.


5,048 posts

261 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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I was thinking of moving to Tomato, but they don’t seem to have any kind of API access which would scupper Home Assistant integration.


2,019 posts

123 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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Skodillac said:
This is pickling my noodle as there's a reasonable amount of wind about.

Various nuclear plants shutdown for maintenance. https://www.edfenergy.com/energy/power-station/dai...

Might get a savings session at peak time tomorrow given the lack of capacity on the grid.

Mikey G

4,814 posts

250 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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Ubiquitous2024 said:
Just checked the Tracker graphs in a panic, I am not seeing the same at all. Gas below the cap, electric well below the cap in my area. 14p last week and average of 17.5p this week. Line is up and down but again well below the cap line.
Which version are you on? I have just checked on the website I use and none of the areas or versions are below the price cap tomorrow.


9,911 posts

204 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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Salad for dinner hehe


10,164 posts

160 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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page3 said:
I was thinking of moving to Tomato, but they don’t seem to have any kind of API access which would scupper Home Assistant integration.
A small price to pay for the potential cost savings?


265 posts

6 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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Mikey G said:
Which version are you on? I have just checked on the website I use and none of the areas or versions are below the price cap tomorrow.
South East, Dec 23. I can post the graph?

Mikey G

4,814 posts

250 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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Ubiquitous2024 said:
Mikey G said:
Which version are you on? I have just checked on the website I use and none of the areas or versions are below the price cap tomorrow.
South East, Dec 23. I can post the graph?
Well 2 sites I use both say 32.6pkWh for electricity tomorrow in the south east which is way over the price cap.

