Photoshop Lewis Hamilton

Photoshop Lewis Hamilton


Davey S2

Original Poster:

13,216 posts

264 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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7,839 posts

180 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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It can only get better now. laugh


14,008 posts

223 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Davey S2 said:
Lets face it... she'd be less annoying in the paddock too!


12,172 posts

179 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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al1991 said:
Davey S2 said:
Not sure that this photoshoot in GQ was a particularly good idea but there seems to be some ripe pics for some photoshoppage.

You'd get banned for photoshopping what I had in mind when I saw that picture...

The Black Flash

13,735 posts

208 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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God, they are terrible rofl

Pixel Pusher

10,256 posts

169 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Looks cooler now.


4,259 posts

293 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Charlie Michael said:
Ahem, GQ would have dressed him... I've seen a few GQ cover shoots and the recent ones are all dressed in rolled up trousers. Apparently, it's fashion.
Mankles. They are mankles.


1,500 posts

234 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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rofl glad the Bentley auntie boy has been done!

WTF was he thinking, not helping his situation/image with this and his new R&B songs....


14,008 posts

223 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Bolognese said:
WTF was he thinking, not helping his situation/image with this and his new R&B songs....
Shouldnt it be his PR / Management that get the blame though?..

...Wait.. what!?! Lewis is making music now too?! Oh FFS.. this isnt going to go well.


23,410 posts

225 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Steamer said:
Lewis is making music now too?! Oh FFS.. this isnt going to go well.
It didn't stop his bird


1,500 posts

234 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Steamer said:
Bolognese said:
WTF was he thinking, not helping his situation/image with this and his new R&B songs....
Shouldnt it be his PR / Management that get the blame though?..

...Wait.. what!?! Lewis is making music now too?! Oh FFS.. this isnt going to go well.


139 posts

177 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Davey S2 said:
It looks like Weekend at Bernies III is coming out soon?


1,941 posts

162 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Jazz Hands... Inspired rofl

Pixel Pusher

10,256 posts

169 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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3,588 posts

199 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Pixel Pusher said:


19,232 posts

177 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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This has some serious potential.


654 posts

212 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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I'm a LH supporter but he did himself no favours this year, roll on 2012.

Davey S2

Original Poster:

13,216 posts

264 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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1,608 posts

174 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Davey S2 said:
rofl I don't think anything will ever top that!


63,161 posts

215 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Davey S2 said:
Not sure that this photoshoot in GQ was a particularly good idea but there seems to be some ripe pics for some photoshoppage.

First one is crying out for this treatment: