Local Facebook groups

Local Facebook groups



1,188 posts

61 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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220 posts

9 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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james6546 said:


19,505 posts

292 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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james6546 said:
Would like to read the 29 comments


3,543 posts

176 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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CanAm said:
Such Americanisms unfortunately seem to be creeping in amongst our younder readers. One recent post by a newish member had so much that some assumed he was American.
I'd rather see Americanisms than the displays of illiteracy on most of the groups any day of the week to be honest.

Language evolves, regional accents started to dilute as people traveled more up and down the country over the last century, words changed, we began to watch moving pictures from the USA and with the dawn of the internet we now have a global community so changes in language will always creep in.
Added to this, we Brits are rather guilty at yelling "AMERICANISM!" at words whilst actively forgetting that it was the founding Fathers that headed off to the USA and took a lot of our words with them. Sidewalk for example was first used by English linguists in the mid 1500's, it was a word used here before pavement eventually became the more prevalent description.

For anyone interested the lovely Susie Dent goes into the origins of a few 'not so American Americanisms' here:


Back on topic anyway.

Edited by SistersofPercy on Sunday 14th July 11:55


7,114 posts

163 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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Had a good one on our local page the other day with some ‘inconsiderate parking’

Some class comments as usual:


22,110 posts

130 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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SistersofPercy said:
we Brits are rather guilty at yelling "AMERICANISM!" at words whilst actively forgetting that it was the founding Fathers that headed off to the USA and took a lot of our words with them. Sidewalk for example was first used by English linguists in the mid 1500's, it was a word used here before pavement eventually became the more prevalent description.
There are a great many words the founding fathers didn't, like, export. even then their usage has, like, changed so much they wouldn't, like, recognise the meaning. Further the 'language evolves' meme neglects the huge increase in what is actually slang.


3,543 posts

176 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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popeyewhite said:
There are a great many words the founding fathers didn't, like, export. even then their usage has, like, changed so much they wouldn't, like, recognise the meaning. Further the 'language evolves' meme neglects the huge increase in what is actually slang.
Linguistic evolution isn't it? What starts as slang often finds a place as an everyday term, an apt example for today would be 'soccer' deriving from association football. Fascinating stuff etymology. Though probably not for this thread so I shall bow out of this particular conversation now biggrin


22,110 posts

130 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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Like, great post.


220 posts

9 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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popeyewhite said:
Like, great post.
Shared - Tibet.


12,104 posts

249 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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3,750 posts

34 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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dose ne1 no y the police helicopter is up? hope ev1 is ok?


30,232 posts

204 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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FoS this weekend, so for weeks it's been regular local updates of fireworks display times, air displays, etc.

It's the same time every year.

Yet, without fail, there's been a load of posts on the local page asking why the A27 is heaving. Why phone signal is poor on the east side of Chichester. What are those bangs? Etc.

I'm left wondering how many generations of cousins interbred to create that level of stupidity...

Spare tyre

10,666 posts

140 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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r3g said:
dose ne1 no y the police helicopter is up? hope ev1 is ok?
It airambulance hun.?

Spare tyre

10,666 posts

140 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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Sway said:
FoS this weekend, so for weeks it's been regular local updates of fireworks display times, air displays, etc.

It's the same time every year.

Yet, without fail, there's been a load of posts on the local page asking why the A27 is heaving. Why phone signal is poor on the east side of Chichester. What are those bangs? Etc.

I'm left wondering how many generations of cousins interbred to create that level of stupidity...
Big Tesco open?

Timothy Bucktu

15,859 posts

210 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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r3g said:
dose ne1 no y the police helicopter is up? hope ev1 is ok?
Translation = Tell me what's going on ASAP.
They don't hope everyone is OK at all...they're just nosey and looking for gossip.


3,750 posts

34 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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Spare tyre said:
r3g said:
dose ne1 no y the police helicopter is up? hope ev1 is ok?
It airambulance hun.?
i aksed lady working at coop and she sed sum1 got run over by a drunk hit n run driver? hope there ok?


3,543 posts

176 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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Very unexpected answer to the familiar question of “what was that helicopter?” this weekend.
Was not expecting the answer to be “Tom Cruise filming mission impossible” but it was!
Helicopter and two planes apparently. Fascinating.


3,892 posts

119 months

Sunday 14th July 2024
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r3g said:
Spare tyre said:
r3g said:
dose ne1 no y the police helicopter is up? hope ev1 is ok?
It airambulance hun.?
i aksed lady working at coop and she sed sum1 got run over by a drunk hit n run driver? hope there ok?
they wuz forrin lookin


1,892 posts

62 months

Monday 15th July 2024
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SistersofPercy said:
Very unexpected answer to the familiar question of “what was that helicopter?” this weekend.
Was not expecting the answer to be “Tom Cruise filming mission impossible” but it was!
Helicopter and two planes apparently. Fascinating.
He’s not making another one, surely?!



8,250 posts

67 months

Monday 15th July 2024
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Apparently Richard Hammond has been spotted on the seafront at Weston Super Mare, so there are a few posts asking what is going on. My favourite answer - Probably filming a new episode of Top Pier laugh