Geek Jokes Volume 0b10

Geek Jokes Volume 0b10



Original Poster:

24,607 posts

292 months

Thursday 4th November 2021
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Continued from here


7,094 posts

187 months

Thursday 4th November 2021
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ObiWan O? biggrin


7,848 posts

268 months

Thursday 4th November 2021
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113 145 167 154 041 012


4,023 posts

230 months

Friday 5th November 2021
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Yay, it's 0b10!

What are we going to call the next volume in 10 years time?

Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

269 months

Friday 5th November 2021
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Strangely Brown

11,163 posts

239 months

Friday 5th November 2021
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Clearly that boy dyes his hair.


5,357 posts

289 months

Saturday 6th November 2021
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I recently heard about this novel in which Schrodinger's cat and Pavlov's dog team up for an epic adventure....

So I went down to my local library to see if they had a copy....

THe librarian said that my description of the book rang a bell but she wasn't sure if it was there or not...


21,278 posts

212 months

Thursday 11th November 2021
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2,636 posts

211 months

Thursday 11th November 2021
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Dr Jekyll said:


8,814 posts

268 months

Saturday 13th November 2021
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Abbott said:
Dr Jekyll said:
And for ML the reveal would be a regression analysis...


8,814 posts

268 months

Saturday 13th November 2021
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I'm stunned!

This morning I learnt that Albert Einstein was a real person.

Up until now, I'd always thought he was a theoretical physicist.


29,342 posts

204 months

Saturday 13th November 2021
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There's a whole load of stuff about comparing animal skeletons to what the animals look like (penguins, hippos, rabbits), dinosaurs with feathers etc. So here's an x-ray of a beavers tail.

Let's make dinosaurs weird.


29,342 posts

204 months

Sunday 14th November 2021
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Furbys, evil little bds hehe


21,278 posts

212 months

Sunday 14th November 2021
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7,735 posts

288 months

Sunday 14th November 2021
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ajprice said:
There's a whole load of stuff about comparing animal skeletons to what the animals look like (penguins, hippos, rabbits), dinosaurs with feathers etc. So here's an x-ray of a beavers tail.

Let's make dinosaurs weird.
Probably not what they were expecting when they googled "beaver shots".


21,278 posts

212 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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9,778 posts

147 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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21,278 posts

212 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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21,278 posts

212 months

Thursday 18th November 2021
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5,889 posts

63 months

Thursday 18th November 2021
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One for the planes thread...

Like that... Proper nerdy hehe