Andrew Tate - The Real World
I could have predicted the responses above.
Guys, please read the post that I responded to, and please read what I actually wrote.
Specifically the bit where I said that I can't stand the Tates. PG asked for an example of what they say that may resonante with people and I offered an example of that.
They've often spoken about getting up off the couch and bettering oneself at the gym or through some other form of physical training. Despite disagreeing with just about everything else they say, I can appreciate the merit in this position, and can equally see how it resonates with people - and hence why I answered the question with that example.
So the snide one liners e.g "We seem to define self improvement in different terms." can get in the bin.
You're jumping on me like I'm defending them. I'm absolutely not.
Guys, please read the post that I responded to, and please read what I actually wrote.
Specifically the bit where I said that I can't stand the Tates. PG asked for an example of what they say that may resonante with people and I offered an example of that.
They've often spoken about getting up off the couch and bettering oneself at the gym or through some other form of physical training. Despite disagreeing with just about everything else they say, I can appreciate the merit in this position, and can equally see how it resonates with people - and hence why I answered the question with that example.
So the snide one liners e.g "We seem to define self improvement in different terms." can get in the bin.
You're jumping on me like I'm defending them. I'm absolutely not.
Edited by TheJimi on Tuesday 9th July 12:30
TheJimi said:
I could have predicted the responses above.
Guys, please read the post that I responded to, and please read what I actually wrote.
Specifically the bit where I said that I can't stand the Tates. PG asked for an example of what they say that may resonante with people and I offered an example of that.
They've often spoken about getting up off the couch and bettering oneself at the gym or through some other form of physical training. Despite disagreeing with just about everything else they say, I can appreciate the merit in this position, and can equally see how it resonates with people - and hence why I answered the question with that example.
So the snide one liners e.g "We seem to define self improvement in different terms." can get in the bin.
You're jumping on me like I'm defending them. I'm absolutely not.
Self improvement is fine in principle. Self improvement achieved by exploitation of others , not so much. Little doubt that is a significant part of their methodology.Guys, please read the post that I responded to, and please read what I actually wrote.
Specifically the bit where I said that I can't stand the Tates. PG asked for an example of what they say that may resonante with people and I offered an example of that.
They've often spoken about getting up off the couch and bettering oneself at the gym or through some other form of physical training. Despite disagreeing with just about everything else they say, I can appreciate the merit in this position, and can equally see how it resonates with people - and hence why I answered the question with that example.
So the snide one liners e.g "We seem to define self improvement in different terms." can get in the bin.
You're jumping on me like I'm defending them. I'm absolutely not.
Edited by TheJimi on Tuesday 9th July 12:30
TheJimi said:
I could have predicted the responses above.
Guys, please read the post that I responded to, and please read what I actually wrote.
Specifically the bit where I said that I can't stand the Tates. PG asked for an example of what they say that may resonante with people and I offered an example of that.
They've often spoken about getting up off the couch and bettering oneself at the gym or through some other form of physical training. Despite disagreeing with just about everything else they say, I can appreciate the merit in this position, and can equally see how it resonates with people - and hence why I answered the question with that example.
So the snide one liners e.g "We seem to define self improvement in different terms." can get in the bin.
You're jumping on me like I'm defending them. I'm absolutely not.
Their advocation of self improvement is not one I recognise, since it seems to revolve around giving them money. It's not about improving oneself, it's about joining their cult. However, I agree with you that it resonates with certain susceptible people, as any cult does, that's how they work.Guys, please read the post that I responded to, and please read what I actually wrote.
Specifically the bit where I said that I can't stand the Tates. PG asked for an example of what they say that may resonante with people and I offered an example of that.
They've often spoken about getting up off the couch and bettering oneself at the gym or through some other form of physical training. Despite disagreeing with just about everything else they say, I can appreciate the merit in this position, and can equally see how it resonates with people - and hence why I answered the question with that example.
So the snide one liners e.g "We seem to define self improvement in different terms." can get in the bin.
You're jumping on me like I'm defending them. I'm absolutely not.
Edited by TheJimi on Tuesday 9th July 12:30
simon_harris said:
He liberally sprinkles his bullst with legitimate comments around self improvement and reasonable insight, this is then used as a defence when he says the utterly indefensible to say "look see how reasonable I am and i am just support the common man to self development and improvement"
I think grifter is an appropriate term.
Yep. Just because someone is right about some things doesn't make him a good guy.I think grifter is an appropriate term.
Trump has said some things that I agree with (although I can't think what right now). He's still a tt and shouldn't be running for president ffs.
I'm sure Hitler has all said things we can agree with eg "I like chicken." or "Turkey's lovely at this time of year." or even "The economy needs to be better."
There are loads of legitimate motivational coaches of all flavours eg Tony Robbins if you like the in-yer-face motivation.
The sad thing about Tate is that he does in-yer-face but speaks to a specific crowd (young women-hating incels) and they worship him.
I'm not sure that positive male role models like Marcus Rashford can help because these young men want to blame someone else for their failures in life.
Hoofy said:
Yep. Just because someone is right about some things doesn't make him a good guy.
Trump has said some things that I agree with (although I can't think what right now). He's still a tt and shouldn't be running for president ffs.
I'm sure Hitler has all said things we can agree with eg "I like chicken." or "Turkey's lovely at this time of year." or even "The economy needs to be better."
There are loads of legitimate motivational coaches of all flavours eg Tony Robbins if you like the in-yer-face motivation.
The sad thing about Tate is that he does in-yer-face but speaks to a specific crowd (young women-hating incels) and they worship him.
I'm not sure that positive male role models like Marcus Rashford can help because these young men want to blame someone else for their failures in life.
Spot on. Trump has said some things that I agree with (although I can't think what right now). He's still a tt and shouldn't be running for president ffs.
I'm sure Hitler has all said things we can agree with eg "I like chicken." or "Turkey's lovely at this time of year." or even "The economy needs to be better."
There are loads of legitimate motivational coaches of all flavours eg Tony Robbins if you like the in-yer-face motivation.
The sad thing about Tate is that he does in-yer-face but speaks to a specific crowd (young women-hating incels) and they worship him.
I'm not sure that positive male role models like Marcus Rashford can help because these young men want to blame someone else for their failures in life.
jdw100 said:
That above photo - has to a ‘fake’ or this Tate guy simply joking?
No one would take that in any way seriously.
No one would take that in any way seriously.
TownIdiot said:
Been reading a few things about this chap (I am a bit old to be in his target market)
Apologies if I've missed it on this thread but did he actually say this?
Any man who has sex with women because it ‘feels good’ is gay,
Oh my pee pee feels good this is great! In fact you are 40 with less than 5 children you’re probably gay
All that feel-good pee pee sex and hardly any genetic legacy?
If he did say it, what's the context?
I dont think Ive ever watched a full interview with them. Ive read a few things about them. And I can see troll like bahviour at times. I have to assume the quotes abover are st posting. It's designed EXACTLY to wind up those that don't like him. The worst part is when people take it at face value and then attack them for it. Playing into their hands. I would have assumed rational people could sense what was happening and not fall into the obvious bait.Apologies if I've missed it on this thread but did he actually say this?
Any man who has sex with women because it ‘feels good’ is gay,
Oh my pee pee feels good this is great! In fact you are 40 with less than 5 children you’re probably gay
All that feel-good pee pee sex and hardly any genetic legacy?
If he did say it, what's the context?
But for whatever reason, just like so many lose their rationality and go all Trump derangement syndrome. Seems many cant help but go Tate Derangement Syndrome too.
I'm not for or against him. He;s fairly irrelevant to me and my life. I've had a few younger people mention him to me. But those people aren't about to set up a sex trading company or anything. They just want someone to tell them to work on themselves to make themselves the best version of themselves. And don't be afraid of hard work.
IF Tate only said that, he'd be the modern day Tony Robbins. But tha'ts a bit dull in this social meeja age we inhabit so it gets all the other noise around the core message to generate clicks. Its no different from the click bait nonsense our mainstream media puts out daily.
Baroque attacks said:
It’s a great example of what he is and stands for.
A pinch of hyper masculinity
A splash of fragility
A sprinkling of misogyny
He and his brother just feed off insecurity and weakness in their followers.
How can he be so alpha and strong yet so triggered by Elmo
A pinch of hyper masculinity
A splash of fragility
A sprinkling of misogyny
He and his brother just feed off insecurity and weakness in their followers.
How can he be so alpha and strong yet so triggered by Elmo
Thankyou4calling said:
Bill said:
Bad? Or just tragic??
I think (may be wrong) that Mr Balfours comment is somewhat tongue in cheek.But this is one of those weird threads where some posters will desperately twist anything at all, to demonstrate how rabidly virtuous they are. Good for you saying it how you see it.
Tate obviously has an impression on some people. My nephew is one of them - a Tate Loser. He goes to the gym and makes and effort to look good (which is no bad thing), but his average evening is sitting in Wetherspoons with his fellow Tate Losers, talking down women as bhes and ho's It's got to the stage where Vikingette1 hasn't spoken to him for 3+ years because of his attitude.
Louis Balfour said:
It obviously was.
But this is one of those weird threads where some posters will desperately twist anything at all, to demonstrate how rabidly virtuous they are. Good for you saying it how you see it.
So you two just trolling then?But this is one of those weird threads where some posters will desperately twist anything at all, to demonstrate how rabidly virtuous they are. Good for you saying it how you see it.
And then making a dig about virtue signalling.
Bill said:
Louis Balfour said:
It obviously was.
But this is one of those weird threads where some posters will desperately twist anything at all, to demonstrate how rabidly virtuous they are. Good for you saying it how you see it.
So you two just trolling then?But this is one of those weird threads where some posters will desperately twist anything at all, to demonstrate how rabidly virtuous they are. Good for you saying it how you see it.
And then making a dig about virtue signalling.
Attacking people who deviate from the official line isn't very bright. Tate has a following, it would be better to understand it than vilify posters who make any sort of positive comment about him. No one is forcing you to agree with their opinion.
Aven Hitler painted a nice postcard.
Andrew Tate Tweeted this a while ago:
"I could easily f*ck Taylor Swift and end her feminism sh*t real G dick moves but she’s ancient.
"Pyramids were brand new when she was born.
“If you’re a girl, why even live past 30 unless you have kids?”
Some questions about that Tweet:
What is a 'real G dick move'?
What makes him think he could 'easily f*ck' Taylor Swift? You'd have thought she'd have her security people stop the confused cockwomble from getting anywhere near her.
She's 'ancient? Tate is three years older.
The pyramid bit...What!?
As to “If you’re a girl, why even live past 30 unless you have kids?” Not even sure what the point of this is.
Surely the Tate character is some sort of spoof/wind-up?
"I could easily f*ck Taylor Swift and end her feminism sh*t real G dick moves but she’s ancient.
"Pyramids were brand new when she was born.
“If you’re a girl, why even live past 30 unless you have kids?”
Some questions about that Tweet:
What is a 'real G dick move'?
What makes him think he could 'easily f*ck' Taylor Swift? You'd have thought she'd have her security people stop the confused cockwomble from getting anywhere near her.
She's 'ancient? Tate is three years older.
The pyramid bit...What!?
As to “If you’re a girl, why even live past 30 unless you have kids?” Not even sure what the point of this is.
Surely the Tate character is some sort of spoof/wind-up?
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