Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 41

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 41



6,524 posts

153 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Why've yer got only fans in yer car, Bobbers?
Morneve all'n'sundry, took muvver t th big city for a post glaucoma op checkup.


5,948 posts

206 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Went back to bed for an hours sleep to dream of Only Fans in Bobbers Mini. No wonder they only appear when they are hot.

The snow has melted, stop.
The snow has melted, stop


69,494 posts

227 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Bobberoo said:
Heating takes ages to come up to temperature, and apparently the fan won't come on until around 109-110 degrees, according to tinternet.
We have that with the Seat, takes a long time to warm up.

On the TVR the fans are driven by the ECU, so when the mapping was done I've had the fans turned on at an earlier temp, on at 90 and the second at 95, rather than 95 &100. No problem with heat generation on that biggrin

Still Mulling

13,782 posts

187 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Bobberoo said:
I have an iPhone as a works mobile, it is utterly fking useless, doesn't auto connect to my home WiFi despite it being on auto connect, constantly won't auto update Outlook so I have to keep manually doing it, nothing about it is logical, and I utterly despise it!!!!
Funny you should say that. I've never had connection issues, but I used to think the same way as you.

I was an Android user for a long time, hating my work iPhone and despising what I saw as an overpriced, shiny status symbol, but the one day it just clicked and my Android suddenly felt like every app was designed by a different set of people (I refer to the native Google apps), it felt blindingly obvious that it was a "layered" GUI (stock Android + whatever "shine" the phone manufacturer then put over the top), and many other niggles that I'd never clocked suddenly became glaring flaws to me.

I changed to Apple for my personal phone over four years ago and have not needed to change my handset since. It feels like it could go on forever, with no slowing nor noticeable battery performance drop-off thus far. Previously I was needing to change handsets every 2-3 years as they either stopped patching security and/or an update would either cripple the battery of introduce severe performance issues. This longevity has meant that a high upfront cost has worked out at a lower cost per month over it's lifetime. I would not now go back, and I was a vociferous hater!

Funny old world smile


36,863 posts

160 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Byker28i said:
I'm seriously considering making a sign for my neighbours front garden...

"Beware of the dog....




36,863 posts

160 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Gude Moaneve from a toasty oop norf, where merry throngs of centipedes are gaily cavorting in the drizzle.
There are 10 (ten) clustered in the censoredcensored and it feels like paua's 42S summer. wink
It appears that the Rainy City has become a magnet today for itinerant Trivialites.
scratchchin Perhaps it's something in the water at the Oasis?

I'm a bit stiff this morning, following my cardiac rehab workout session yesterday, but I was cheered by the rapturous reception by the rest of the class as I strode through the door two minutes late due to traffic delays and a dearth of parking spaces at the venue owing to the Big January Sales taking place at the adjacent Retail Outlet Mill.
It was good to be back after a two week absence, soaking up the good natured banter from those merciless barstewards! biggrin

Edited by glenrobbo on Tuesday 14th January 09:54

White Stiletto

1,270 posts

59 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Good morning all.

Jack Frost has disappeared and we have a cloudy 5 centipedes out there today.

Man v kitchen mixer tap washer is scheduled for this morning. Could be close.

Dermot O'Logical

2,919 posts

139 months

Tuesday 14th January
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White Stiletto said:
Good morning all.

Jack Frost has disappeared and we have a cloudy 5 centipedes out there today.

Man v kitchen mixer tap washer is scheduled for this morning. Could be close.
Good luck, WS. We're thinking of you.

ION, Plan B is now in operation, which varies from Plan A in that it doesn't involve car cleaning, on account of the lack of centipedes and my rather painful back. Makes the day a bit less frantic, and I'll do the car later in the week.

I've had a chat with our maintenance chap, and he's done most of the gutter clearing already, so no risk of being imprisoned by scaffolding early tomorrow.

Further updates to follow.


69,494 posts

227 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Still Mulling said:
Bobberoo said:
I have an iPhone as a works mobile, it is utterly fking useless, doesn't auto connect to my home WiFi despite it being on auto connect, constantly won't auto update Outlook so I have to keep manually doing it, nothing about it is logical, and I utterly despise it!!!!
Funny you should say that. I've never had connection issues, but I used to think the same way as you.

I was an Android user for a long time, hating my work iPhone and despising what I saw as an overpriced, shiny status symbol, but the one day it just clicked and my Android suddenly felt like every app was designed by a different set of people (I refer to the native Google apps), it felt blindingly obvious that it was a "layered" GUI (stock Android + whatever "shine" the phone manufacturer then put over the top), and many other niggles that I'd never clocked suddenly became glaring flaws to me.

I changed to Apple for my personal phone over four years ago and have not needed to change my handset since. It feels like it could go on forever, with no slowing nor noticeable battery performance drop-off thus far. Previously I was needing to change handsets every 2-3 years as they either stopped patching security and/or an update would either cripple the battery of introduce severe performance issues. This longevity has meant that a high upfront cost has worked out at a lower cost per month over it's lifetime. I would not now go back, and I was a vociferous hater!

Funny old world smile
Weirdly I feel the opposite, quite often end up running 6-7 year old Android phones, because I buy them off the neighbour who has to have the latest and greatest. I went Sansung 5 to 9 now a 21plus, whereas Mrs B has an iphone, sorry faceberk device, where the battery dies every 2-3 years, the apps wont work as her phone becomes obsolete and it has to be changed every 3ish years. We had a stack of them we've just traded in.

Obsolescence is programmed in with Apple. I used to love the tablets, but after having 3 that refused to work with apps after 3 years or so after forced OS updates I gave up with those. Just have a surface pro now that work were throwing out...


69,494 posts

227 months

Tuesday 14th January
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glenrobbo said:
Byker28i said:
I'm seriously considering making a sign for my neighbours front garden...

"Beware of the dog....



Mr Magooagain

11,123 posts

180 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Bobberoo said:
Mr Magooagain said:
-5 ( minus five) it is feeling like even colder like.

Fires lit and roaring away.

I managed 15,000 steps yesterday, they weren’t all about a walk but also what I was doing outside etc.

Bobbers is the heating in the mini working ok? You should hear the fans kicking in when waiting in traffic.

Heating takes ages to come up to temperature, and apparently the fan won't come on until around 109-110 degrees, according to tinternet.
I presume you’ve booked it back in with the chap who had it yesterday to replace the thermostat then?
Hopefully that will be the problem solved.

Like Byker I had both fans on my Fiat set to come on together at 90. Originally one was for general cooling ant 90 and the extra one was for the aircon on the Fiat. I removed the aircon once it became a track car and used the twin fans for just the cooling. Some people just put a switch in the system to have it on permanently when coming off a hot track.

White Stiletto

1,270 posts

59 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Dermot O'Logical said:
Good luck, WS. We're thinking of you.

ION, Plan B is now in operation, which varies from Plan A in that it doesn't involve car cleaning, on account of the lack of centipedes and my rather painful back. Makes the day a bit less frantic, and I'll do the car later in the week.

I've had a chat with our maintenance chap, and he's done most of the gutter clearing already, so no risk of being imprisoned by scaffolding early tomorrow.

Further updates to follow.
Thanks DO'L, it was a win for the taps as I was unable to break down the second layer of defence. BF&I was an option, but it could have made matters worse (I was going to use a term including "exacerbated" but couldn't spell it) so I've made use of the BG Home insurance policy and a man's coming on Monday week.

I hope your back improves soon. Good news re the gutters.


52,530 posts

208 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Young whippersnapper asked me yesterday if I was in my dotage. I told him straight off that I was in my Mercedes-Benz.

Dashed insubordination, I call it.


69,494 posts

227 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Mr Magooagain said:
Like Byker I had both fans on my Fiat set to come on together at 90. Originally one was for general cooling ant 90 and the extra one was for the aircon on the Fiat. I removed the aircon once it became a track car and used the twin fans for just the cooling. Some people just put a switch in the system to have it on permanently when coming off a hot track.
Yeah TVR has two, a large one that comes on early and a thinner one that comes on when the aircon is on, or the car temp reaches a higher temp, 5 degrees higher in my case. Works well and stops the car going over 100/105 in very hot temps. I've driven around France and 35C happily

Still Mulling

13,782 posts

187 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Byker28i said:
Weirdly I feel the opposite, quite often end up running 6-7 year old Android phones, because I buy them off the neighbour who has to have the latest and greatest. I went Sansung 5 to 9 now a 21plus, whereas Mrs B has an iphone, sorry faceberk device, where the battery dies every 2-3 years, the apps wont work as her phone becomes obsolete and it has to be changed every 3ish years. We had a stack of them we've just traded in.

Obsolescence is programmed in with Apple. I used to love the tablets, but after having 3 that refused to work with apps after 3 years or so after forced OS updates I gave up with those. Just have a surface pro now that work were throwing out...
It's so interesting how people can have such polar opposite experiences! I do recall a hoo-ha around battery throttling from Apple a few years back, but I've seen no hint of unreasonable drop-off from either my iPhone 11 nor iPad. Perhaps I was lucky and brought mine post-misbehaviour.

Still Mulling

13,782 posts

187 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Finally solved my Excel formula! nerd

(The desperate trivia of the Page 2 save in action!)


36,863 posts

160 months

Tuesday 14th January
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paua said:
Why've yer got only fans in yer car, Bobbers?
Morneve all'n'sundry, took muvver t th big city for a post glaucoma op checkup.
Well, paua,
It gives him something to do when he's driving to or from work, and it generates a bit of extra income on top of his Bobberoo (TM) Fish Finger Sandwich Home Delivery Empire.

"Every little helps", eh, Bobbers?

Hope your Mum's checkup was okay, paua. thumbup

Thanks for all the fish. lick


36,863 posts

160 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Still Mulling said:
Finally solved my Excel formula! nerd

(The desperate trivia of the Page 2 save in action!)
Well done, SM! clap

Will you be needing one of these now?

Still Mulling

13,782 posts

187 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Well, that would just be dandy: yes please!


41,510 posts

108 months

Tuesday 14th January
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So I arrived at the petrol station to fill Ivor up, put my card in and was rewarded with a warning saying "Max fill £4.71"!!!! yikes
I grabbed my phone and checked my account and the app informed me that I had £0.00 available!!!! eek

I'd checked my account on the weekend and knew there was money available, but thought fk it something's wrong, so used my credit card for the payment.

I arrived home and immediately fired up my laptop and checked my account........

Nope, there was money in my account!!!!grumpy