hair loss in 50's



Original Poster:

1,599 posts

256 months

Sunday 12th May
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im 52 and the old man is virtually bald - I didnt think it would bother me but im receeding at the front at a fair speed and im not quite so ok with it now...

Trying to avoid the snake oil, any products/treatments that people can recommend to slow it down? cheers


8,843 posts

186 months

Sunday 12th May
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Shave it off and move on with your life.


27,516 posts

178 months

Sunday 12th May
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cheeky_chops said:
im 52 and the old man is virtually bald
If you mean your penis, then I'm not sure how that helps us.
If you mean your dad, then it's a very strange sentence, and I'm not sure how it helps us.


13,864 posts

161 months

Sunday 12th May
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Think yourself lucky you made it to 52.


13,113 posts

176 months

Sunday 12th May
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GroundEffect said:
Think yourself lucky you made it to 52.
Yep mine fell out at 17, proper monk style by 21.


7,688 posts

198 months

Sunday 12th May
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This is the best hairstyle for those going thin on top,no one will notice.Thank me later wink


1,080 posts

56 months

Sunday 12th May
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I’ve been taking finasteride for about 10 years now, it totally stopped my hair receding. My dad has also been taking it for the same amount of time with the same results.

However, my brother tried it and it made him feel depressed, so it’s not risk free.

I get it from simple online pharmacy which doesn’t work out very expensive.


2,544 posts

8 months

Sunday 12th May
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For me, I'll just accept going bald and get on with life. Starting to get a bit thin on my crown. I started going grey in my early 30s and haven't felt the need to colour up. Ageing sn't anything to be ashamed of.


1,877 posts

40 months

Sunday 12th May
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Can't have your cake and eat it.
Late 60's still have a full head of hair (well wire wool) but all old fart grey, started going grey age 21.
As above just shave it off and enjoy life, id happily shave mine off but wifey...


22,858 posts

220 months

Sunday 12th May
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Never trust a man with a comb-over. He's lying to himself; he will lie to you.


1,394 posts

132 months

Tuesday 14th May
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I'm 54 with a lot of hair like a 25 yo
but its nothing to brag about as its the only thing on me that still works


1,020 posts

219 months

Tuesday 14th May
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You’re lucky you managed to get to 52!
Mine started to go in my late 20’s, typical male pattern baldness.
I went to see my GP and asked for something to keep my hair in and he gave me a shoebox!
When I got to 40 I made the decision to shave my head. To be honest, I wish I’d done it sooner. Now it’s just part of my grooming regime and I don’t really miss my hair that much. Bonus is it doesn’t take as long to dry after a shower!


10,760 posts

192 months

Tuesday 14th May
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cheeky_chops said:
im 52 and the old man is virtually bald - I didnt think it would bother me but im receeding at the front at a fair speed and im not quite so ok with it now...

Trying to avoid the snake oil, any products/treatments that people can recommend to slow it down? cheers
Shave it off - It's only hair.

I shaved mine off nearly 20 years ago and don't miss it. There's far more important things to worry about than hair.


227 posts

77 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Not quite 50s yet, but I was recommended Nioxin - I use system 1. Was told it's not a cure but it should slow everything down a lot. It's only shampoo, conditioner and a bit of spray so I've been using it for years now. Haven't noticed any change since.


4,731 posts

70 months

Wednesday 15th May
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I’m another one in the shave it off camp but I’m surprised no one has mentioned going to Turkey for a hair transplant yet.


2,091 posts

28 months

Wednesday 15th May
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cheeky_chops said:
im 52 and the old man is virtually bald - I didnt think it would bother me but im receeding at the front at a fair speed and im not quite so ok with it now...

Trying to avoid the snake oil, any products/treatments that people can recommend to slow it down? cheers
A fairly reliable indicator is your maternal grandfather.

How was he?


22,858 posts

220 months

Wednesday 15th May
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tim jb said:
Muzzer79 said:
Shave it off - It's only hair.

I shaved mine off nearly 20 years ago and don't miss it. There's far more important things to worry about than hair.
It's not only hair it makes one look completely different in a negative way. MPB is a death sentence to most.
Maybe, but perhaps not changing your appearance in a negative way. Acceptance is key. Hiding it is worse.

Hugo Stiglitz

37,983 posts

216 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Mine thinned due to stress a couple of years back. Maybe I can recover it but I just went to a number 1.


10,760 posts

192 months

Wednesday 15th May
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tim jb said:
Muzzer79 said:
Shave it off - It's only hair.

I shaved mine off nearly 20 years ago and don't miss it. There's far more important things to worry about than hair.
It's not only hair it makes one look completely different in a negative way. MPB is a death sentence to most.
Death sentence? To most?

I hardly think so.....


507 posts

234 months

Wednesday 15th May
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If you are not happy with being bald I highly recommend looking into micorpigmentation best thing I have ever done. This is worth watching to understand it