Wegovy Anti-chubster injection-pen things

Wegovy Anti-chubster injection-pen things



3,078 posts

165 months

Sunday 15th December 2024
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BobSaunders said:
BobSaunders said:
BobSaunders said:
BobSaunders said:
Have signed up today through a well known online pharmacy.

I am a multi ironman 70.3 and 140.6 athlete. Multi-endurance ultra cyclist. I am currently training for a 100km ultra run next year. I am what people refer to as mentally strong willed and resillient. I can run a half marathon or marathon right now without trepidation. Exercise makes me happy, it is my stress relief.

I am over 15 stone, i have depression, i commute long distances, i have a highly stressful job, i work long hours, i have high blood pressure, i am at risk of heart attack (genetic), i have asthama, and i have two young children and a wife who has a successful career. I am 42.

My diet and alchol consumption is horrendous, all driven through depression, stress, and lack of avaliable time. The more i train the more i eat, the more stress i take on the more i eat and drink for comfort, the more compressed i am for time i reach for processed food . The heavier i get the less i exercise or struggle to exercise, the heavier and unhealthier i get the more my depression is triggered which then creates food binges - all of this pushes my blood pressure up and risk of heart attack up.

I am 43 in the next week. I have taken a decision today to make a change in my life by accepting that i need help.

Let's see what happens.
Turned up today. Havent had the time or the balls to open up the package yet. Very excited, but also really scared of the needle.

Also thinking if i start, am i going to ruin xmas dinner when i only have four bites of a turkey.
Took it today at lunch. Pretty easy to do. Watched a YouTube video on how to prepare and use for some moral encouragement. Basically didn’t feel the needle at all.

Five hours on; Injection site is a little itchy. Food suppression is massive. Would have been tearing into the dinner I’ve made for the kids but I have no interest, and no interest in the dinner I’m making for myself as well.

Going to try and eat something and then run later on the running machine.

Game changer.
31-ish hours in. Food noise is muted. Gut feels "hard", but isnt. Odd feeling.

Plain-ish chicken salad for dinner last night. Just a small bowl. Destroyed 4 chicken breasts. Had a large glass of malbec across the evening, would have destroyed the bottle.

Chappuccino and Porridge for breakfast, said no to the chocolate croissant chaser and the honey on the porridge.

Lunch was a fish finger wrap with salad. Had a cheeky couple of leftover fish fingers from the kids plates - without the bread. Would have destroyed two fish finger wraps covered in nandos sauce plus what was left of the kids food. Would have also picked at food all afternoon - cake etc.

Ran for 30 minutes on thre treadmill and burnt 500+ calories at 10 minute miles.

Got dinner for tonight - vegetables & potatoes and beef bourguignon. Normally would have been pizza or something. Ignored he kids dinner - pizza etc. Would have detroyed that. Didn't get pudding or dips snacks before. Would have destroyed a bag of crisps with a tub of hummous. Likely would have also destroyed a bottle of wine this evening as well - not particulary interested in it, but the wife want's a glass of prossecco with dinner later so will share one with her.

Weighing several times a day and taking blood pressure. 132/94 blood pressure, 14st 11.4lb's this evening before dinner. Energy levels seems fine.

Edited by BobSaunders on Saturday 7th December 19:19
Nine days in. 14st 4.5lbs down from 14st 12lbs. 24.9% fat down from 26.2% fat. 71.4% muscle up from 70%.

I suspect this is all water weight so far. I'm tracking body fat % rather than weight per se.

I've had two nights "out" over the week which involved bigger meals and a couple of glasses of wine.

I've no side effects, just outright muted need for food and booze.


203 posts

235 months

Monday 16th December 2024
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Been following this thread with interest and encouraged by the progress being made started my own journey on Wegovy just over 6 weeks ago (taken 6 injections)

Doc had me start on 0.25mg for first 3, then 0.5mg for 2 and 0.75mg last week.

I started off at 105kg and weight at the time of last week's injection had me at 103kg - so basically nothing.

I'm generally feeling pretty rubbish most of the time: burning / bile throat, belching and nausea.

I'm exercising and eating a lot less (some days ~600 cals due to feeling rubbish).

I have a follow up appointment this week and am (unless there is a strong persuasive argument) going to stop taking it.

My current view is that it is designed to make you feel full and reduce food noise, meaning you eat less and lose weight. But as I'm not losing weight, the trade off of feeling rubbish isn't worth it, I can eat less / better and feel normal.

Appreciate it's different for us all, but had expected at least some weight loss. Has anyone else had a similar experience?


6,141 posts

165 months

Monday 16th December 2024
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Probably unconnected but had a bit of a turn yesterday. Walking the dog, like I do at least twice a day, and 1/2 mile in, started to feel
Unwell. Dizzy, hot, clammy, just simply unwell. Went straight home and described symptoms to the wife… who is T1 diabetic. She tested my blood level with her finger pricker thing and I was 4.2… so not low, but probably the lower edge of normal.

Cup of tea, and the ends off the Xmas cake she was decorating… and a rest for the rest of the day and all is good.

All just odd!


1,291 posts

179 months

Monday 16th December 2024
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I took my 1st injection of the 5mg on Thursday, so I'm into my 5th week now.
Down from 16st 2lbs to 15st 1lb so officially broke the stone barrier this weekend after stubbornly sticking at 12lb for 2 weeks.

The suppression on the 5mg over the weekend has been noticeable and really had to think about eating, honestly the lack of food noise is a gamechanger for me.


8,455 posts

223 months

Monday 16th December 2024
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M005 said:
Been following this thread with interest and encouraged by the progress being made started my own journey on Wegovy just over 6 weeks ago (taken 6 injections)

Doc had me start on 0.25mg for first 3, then 0.5mg for 2 and 0.75mg last week.

I started off at 105kg and weight at the time of last week's injection had me at 103kg - so basically nothing.

I'm generally feeling pretty rubbish most of the time: burning / bile throat, belching and nausea.

I'm exercising and eating a lot less (some days ~600 cals due to feeling rubbish).

I have a follow up appointment this week and am (unless there is a strong persuasive argument) going to stop taking it.

My current view is that it is designed to make you feel full and reduce food noise, meaning you eat less and lose weight. But as I'm not losing weight, the trade off of feeling rubbish isn't worth it, I can eat less / better and feel normal.

Appreciate it's different for us all, but had expected at least some weight loss. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
That happens - typically I got it after increasing the dose, and usually 48hrs after taking the medication. Your mileage may vary. It goes away but the body takes a few weeks to adjust to higher doses. Do take Zofram (anti-nausea) it works WONDERS and will keep you on your feet. The nausea / tiredness was regular as clockwork for me after upping doses, so I only needed the Zofram at certain times I could anticipate.

It also sounds like your dose has increased quite fast, and your body will be reacting to that.


1,871 posts

200 months

Wednesday 18th December 2024
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LeftmostAardvark said:
A From your world revolving around food (wanting it, resisting it, regretting it etc), it holds no interest. You almost have to remind yourself / force yourself to eat.
I can't get my head around this. I think about food literally all the time. Even when I'm not hungry.
When I used to work on the roads I would go to McDonalds on the way home at 4am even though I didn't really want it. I always regretted it.
I have been looking at this stuff for a couple of years since someone who was diabetic told me to get some, haha. I haven't taken the plunge yet but I still need to convince my wife it's a good idea.

The worry I have is coming off the medication. I have a BMI of 40.5 at the moment and I weigh just over 20 stone (yikes!) and I've always been big since childhood. Never this big though, it's ridiculous. I don't want to go back to food being all consuming (there's a pun in there somewhere).

Has anyone successfully come off the medication? I suppose that's a question for people not in the UK as it hasn't been here for weight loss for that long has it?


1,544 posts

174 months

Wednesday 18th December 2024
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There is a maintenance section of the various big forums - general consensus is reduce dose to 5mg (Mounjaro) and then extend the time between jabs from 7 days to whenever to never.

With your current weight, this may help (my current trajectory):

Edit: and I’m only on first dose of 7.5mg pen, think I’ll be going back down to 5mg when this one finishes, so it’s not like I’ve got to come off a large dose.


649 posts

38 months

Wednesday 18th December 2024
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The long and the hard of it is when you come off it will be down to you to make good choices. If not it will probably be a cycle like most with diets. Got to be worth a go though aye, get the weight off hopefully change the lifestyle a bit and move a lot more and eat better. Back yourself, you got this.


29,957 posts

183 months

Wednesday 18th December 2024
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OH is down a fair bit about a month in. Just shy of a stone IIRC.

If the drug companies can knock it out cheap enough it would seem like a no brainer on the NHS.


8,455 posts

223 months

Wednesday 18th December 2024
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My doctor said people tend to combine reducing the dose and increasing the time between doses to taper the effects without going "cold turkey". As others have said you do need willpower but for me, proving to myself I didnt need a massive plate of food at mealtimes was a huge win.

For more extreme cases where overeating is a lifelong problem I believe people stay on the drug the way a diabetic would insulin, if the downsides of staying on a drug long term are less than the health risks from the weight.


649 posts

38 months

Wednesday 18th December 2024
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There are potentially some other health benefits from GLP1 so staying on it may not be a bad thing. A lot of research looking at it GLP1 is a benefit for people with auto immune conditions.


11,086 posts

191 months

Wednesday 18th December 2024
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How does getting these injections differ when done via NHS and boots? Is it better to go via one over the other?
My BMI is well over 28, (its 37.4, yes i know it has limitations but still). I have a good 20-25kg/50lb/ 3-4 stone I want to shift.


788 posts

168 months

Wednesday 18th December 2024
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If you buy privately from a pharmacy you'll be started within a week and losing weight ASAP but paying £150 for the privilege. It's still assessed and prescribed by a doctor so not dodgy.

If you go via the NHS you'll need to wait for ages, probably go via a referral to a weight management clinic and have to try less effective options first.

If you can afford it, private is the way to go...


12,058 posts

216 months

Thursday 19th December 2024
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M005 said:
Been following this thread with interest and encouraged by the progress being made started my own journey on Wegovy just over 6 weeks ago (taken 6 injections)

Doc had me start on 0.25mg for first 3, then 0.5mg for 2 and 0.75mg last week.

I started off at 105kg and weight at the time of last week's injection had me at 103kg - so basically nothing.

I'm generally feeling pretty rubbish most of the time: burning / bile throat, belching and nausea.

I'm exercising and eating a lot less (some days ~600 cals due to feeling rubbish).

I have a follow up appointment this week and am (unless there is a strong persuasive argument) going to stop taking it.

My current view is that it is designed to make you feel full and reduce food noise, meaning you eat less and lose weight. But as I'm not losing weight, the trade off of feeling rubbish isn't worth it, I can eat less / better and feel normal.

Appreciate it's different for us all, but had expected at least some weight loss. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
Simple laws of physics and biology means that if you are eating less calories than you are using you will lose weight, I suspect your body has gone in to starvation mode and will need something to kick start the calorie burn of fat. It may just happen and will eventually just happen or maybe an increase in activity or exercise might kick start it. Swimming lengths would be an excellent fat burner.

Meltham Terrier

344 posts

143 months

Friday 20th December 2024
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Been lurking on this forum for a while, and been reading up quite a bit on the subject too. I spoke to my GP about it while there for another matter unrelated.
There advice was that I was unlikely to get it on the NHS any time in the next decade as although I'm overweight @21st 4 at 6'1 there would be many people in front of me.

So I order Mounjaro from Oxford on Line Pharmacy and it arrived last Friday. I was very apprehensive and perhaps a little sceptical too. But I have found that I am now 20st 11 so 8lb loss in the week. I have still been to the Gym 3 times this week like normal. But I have found that my appetite is smaller and I am leaving food , that normally I would have eaten and may be had an extra helping.

I'm not drinking as much as didn't partake in a glass of wine one evening when I normally would have said yes. What I am seeing is that I'm not snacking the same as I would have and the noise about food is less although not vanished.

My target is 18st to start with and see how I feel / look , been of board build it think I'm never going to be a 6ft1 13st racing snake. my hope is that by setting realist goals and enjoying the gym this will help me to be focused and keep the weight off once I start to come off the drugs. I feel that possibly reducing the amount over a period may be the best way when coming off rather than just stopping.

It will be interesting to see how Christmas goes this year, hoping that I can enjoy the festivities but with out any over indulgence.

Edited by Meltham Terrier on Friday 20th December 16:07


1,871 posts

200 months

Friday 20th December 2024
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I think I'm going to start in a month or so. I'm quite looking forward to it and seeing how it goes. I've tried all sorts as I've said before. I get a stone off and that's it really.


13,764 posts

181 months

Friday 20th December 2024
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I am tempted for me and the wife as well, we have our honeymoon at the end of march and we both could do with loosing quite a bit.


11,086 posts

191 months

Friday 20th December 2024
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alot of people talk about it supressing 'food noise'. how does it fair with alcohol? less of a craving for that too?


8,455 posts

223 months

Friday 20th December 2024
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ambuletz said:
alot of people talk about it supressing 'food noise'. how does it fair with alcohol? less of a craving for that too?
It depends person to person. For some, they want much less alcohol, and find alcohol brings on nausea. For others, it increases your alcohol tolerance significantly.

I fall into the latter camp. Although I will say when the drug is working strongly (the most dramatic weight loss happens when you actively dont want to eat and have some nausea, rather than when your body has adjusted to dose), you dont want to drink (or eat) much at all.


3,078 posts

165 months

Saturday 21st December 2024
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BobSaunders said:
BobSaunders said:
BobSaunders said:
BobSaunders said:
BobSaunders said:
Have signed up today through a well known online pharmacy.

I am a multi ironman 70.3 and 140.6 athlete. Multi-endurance ultra cyclist. I am currently training for a 100km ultra run next year. I am what people refer to as mentally strong willed and resillient. I can run a half marathon or marathon right now without trepidation. Exercise makes me happy, it is my stress relief.

I am over 15 stone, i have depression, i commute long distances, i have a highly stressful job, i work long hours, i have high blood pressure, i am at risk of heart attack (genetic), i have asthama, and i have two young children and a wife who has a successful career. I am 42.

My diet and alchol consumption is horrendous, all driven through depression, stress, and lack of avaliable time. The more i train the more i eat, the more stress i take on the more i eat and drink for comfort, the more compressed i am for time i reach for processed food . The heavier i get the less i exercise or struggle to exercise, the heavier and unhealthier i get the more my depression is triggered which then creates food binges - all of this pushes my blood pressure up and risk of heart attack up.

I am 43 in the next week. I have taken a decision today to make a change in my life by accepting that i need help.

Let's see what happens.
Turned up today. Havent had the time or the balls to open up the package yet. Very excited, but also really scared of the needle.

Also thinking if i start, am i going to ruin xmas dinner when i only have four bites of a turkey.
Took it today at lunch. Pretty easy to do. Watched a YouTube video on how to prepare and use for some moral encouragement. Basically didn’t feel the needle at all.

Five hours on; Injection site is a little itchy. Food suppression is massive. Would have been tearing into the dinner I’ve made for the kids but I have no interest, and no interest in the dinner I’m making for myself as well.

Going to try and eat something and then run later on the running machine.

Game changer.
31-ish hours in. Food noise is muted. Gut feels "hard", but isnt. Odd feeling.

Plain-ish chicken salad for dinner last night. Just a small bowl. Destroyed 4 chicken breasts. Had a large glass of malbec across the evening, would have destroyed the bottle.

Chappuccino and Porridge for breakfast, said no to the chocolate croissant chaser and the honey on the porridge.

Lunch was a fish finger wrap with salad. Had a cheeky couple of leftover fish fingers from the kids plates - without the bread. Would have destroyed two fish finger wraps covered in nandos sauce plus what was left of the kids food. Would have also picked at food all afternoon - cake etc.

Ran for 30 minutes on thre treadmill and burnt 500+ calories at 10 minute miles.

Got dinner for tonight - vegetables & potatoes and beef bourguignon. Normally would have been pizza or something. Ignored he kids dinner - pizza etc. Would have detroyed that. Didn't get pudding or dips snacks before. Would have destroyed a bag of crisps with a tub of hummous. Likely would have also destroyed a bottle of wine this evening as well - not particulary interested in it, but the wife want's a glass of prossecco with dinner later so will share one with her.

Weighing several times a day and taking blood pressure. 132/94 blood pressure, 14st 11.4lb's this evening before dinner. Energy levels seems fine.

Edited by BobSaunders on Saturday 7th December 19:19
Nine days in. 14st 4.5lbs down from 14st 12lbs. 24.9% fat down from 26.2% fat. 71.4% muscle up from 70%.

I suspect this is all water weight so far. I'm tracking body fat % rather than weight per se.

I've had two nights "out" over the week which involved bigger meals and a couple of glasses of wine.

I've no side effects, just outright muted need for food and booze.
Third dose yesterday, so 15 days in now. I am starting to feel the effects of it wain a little as my body gets used to it - but can still manage.

I slipped yesterday and ended up eating two chicken pittas in one sitting. I was most likely at my lowest dose at that point in my body. It was only half way through the second pitta i realised what i was doing.. Still finished it tho. Long way to go in terms of managing volume - but understandable as it is only week 3 of eating less.

Two pints of beer this week, it's a proper killer in terms of calories intake!

Now down to 14st 0.5lbs. 72.4% muscle, 23.8% fat.

I'm tracking calorie and macro intake via the myplanner app. Just means i can make informed choices. Want to reduce to 15% bodyfat. Based on my maths that is going to be around 13stone ish. Maintaining zone two training so as not to burn muscle.

I've only had one dizzy spell a week ago with a hot flush, that was because i had not eaten in the morning due to getting an early train to work and it was mid-morning and was busy with stressful meetings. I had a Huel black and was then fine not long after.

Supplementing with multi-vitamin tablets and varying my diet to ensure i get what i need into my body.

Edited by BobSaunders on Saturday 21st December 09:18

Edited by BobSaunders on Saturday 21st December 09:18