How Can I Unblock This Powershift Solenoid?

How Can I Unblock This Powershift Solenoid?



2 posts

59 months

Monday 18th November 2019
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Hi again. Give the magnets a good cleaning as well be careful of the one on the plastic cover, The retaining clip that keeps that Magnet on the cover is made out of plastic and snaps; you can however melt it back on with a soldering gun. There are also two magnets on the bottom of the internal oil filter take them out and give me a good clean. Clean out the internal filter by reverse flushing it either with air or transmission fluid that is used in the transmission. And don’t get cheap replacement gearbox oil get the Ford oil. There are companies selling it on eBay or Amazon at affordable prices now.


13,200 posts

243 months

Sunday 19th January 2020
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For anyone finding this page from google these Ford Powershift gearboxes fitted to Ford Smax and Galaxy diesels are not reliable when old especially if they have not had the recommended transmission fluid change every 40,000 miles.

Very few gearbox specialists will touch these gearboxes due to them being horrible to work on and having a high probability of coming back again with problems.

Budget a min of £1600 to fix one, and if the clutch packs are slipping as well budget over £3,000 to repair.
There are no cheap fixes on these gearboxes once they start to fail, although you can try flushing them through with new fluid twice to see if helps.

IF you need one of these repaired in the South of England these guys are experienced in fixing them and have done a couple for us and they give a warranty. They are in west London.


1 posts

9 months

Sunday 7th January
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zakmuh said:

I've managed to fix the issue beer

A quick briefing.....On a day the engine light came on and then car stopped moving. Restarted it then car moved okay but after 2 mins or so it stopped moving again. These codes turned up on the scanner:
P0766-Shift Solenoid D Performance or Stuck Off
P0771-Shift Solenoid E Performance or Stuck Off
P2714-Pressure Control Solenoid D Performance Or Stuck Off

So I removed the mechatronics unit, removed all the solenoids and valves and cleaned them all thoroughly, including the valve body passages. I tried to open up the solenoids but I couldn’t. So I just cleaned them with spirit and blow dried them. I fit them back into the gearbox, topped up the oil (around 5 litres I think), erased all the codes and that’s it. The car is back on the road now and all gears are shifting nice and smooth smilesmilesmile

I’m going on holiday this weekend for a week. Once I’m back, I’ll be test driving it for a week or so, to make sure it’s fully fixed. Until then I wouldn’t call that the issue is ‘solved’. If it’s actually solved, then I'll do a Youtube video + a write up and post in a separate thread.

From my extensive research I’d draw these conclusions with regards to any auto gearboxes.
1. Gears not shifting and no engine light or warning lights on – mechanical issue
2. Gears not shifting with warning lights on – electrical issues such as stuck/bad solenoids and/or wiring connection issues and/or sensor issues.

Good luck guys

How many miles did it run without a fault? Did it happen again? I have same problem.