CARDLE - Daily Car Quiz, Vol.2 (No Spoilers Please)

CARDLE - Daily Car Quiz, Vol.2 (No Spoilers Please)



239 posts

177 months

Monday 20th January
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Two. Not from knowing though from wheel badge and bonnet badge in picture one and then a wing badge in picture two


9,678 posts

268 months

Monday 20th January
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Puddenchucker said:
Make and model in one.
Make, model and specific variant Cadle wants in two.


337 posts

15 months

Monday 20th January
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One! Marque and variant obvious, model a stab in the dark.


1,270 posts

130 months

Monday 20th January
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Moral one

Dr Interceptor

8,093 posts

206 months

Monday 20th January
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Also claiming a moral one today... Aston Martin DBS should surely be enough


2,495 posts

186 months

Monday 20th January
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zsdom said:
Moral one


493 posts

27 months

Monday 20th January
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I'm a pedant but that's excessive!


3,214 posts

129 months

Monday 20th January
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son-of-alf said:
One! Marque and variant obvious, model a stab in the dark.
Yes the marque is obvious if you look for it, but being such a modern car I am amazed that you could come up with the short model name even as a stab in the dark.
They all look the same dont they. wink

I seen all the clues in photo 1 and had already decided on make and short model name, but didnt think the extra word would be required.
It was so I fixed that.


3,214 posts

129 months

Monday 20th January
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Dr Interceptor said:
Also claiming a moral one today... Aston Martin DBS should surely be enough
Thats exactly what I thought too. It would have been a fail if you included it when it wasn't required. banghead


7,002 posts

165 months

Monday 20th January
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Easy today, in 1


4,737 posts

220 months

Monday 20th January
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All the info you need is in the first two pics, but I managed to spell it wrong and gave up.

Now let's see if I can do any better with today's


6,115 posts

215 months

Monday 20th January
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Fail for me because I didn't use the whole shebang of a name ... got most of it in two given the badge!

Off to Stewardle for me as well ... although I'm not very good at it!


4,628 posts

228 months

Tuesday 21st January
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Borked today.

Super Josh

153 posts

229 months

Tuesday 21st January
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I'm getting an ''AccessDenied' error for the image. But if you click through to the end you can see the link to the original image which is a Bentley Arnage Red Label


10,907 posts

124 months

Tuesday 21st January
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17,383 posts

176 months

Tuesday 21st January
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Super Josh said:
I'm getting an ''AccessDenied' error for the image. But if you click through to the end you can see the link to the original image which is a Bentley Arnage Red Label
Same. A tiny "substitute" image top left, and the photo credit link toward the centre of my phone screen. Despite being unable to view the image, I clicked on the credit and was shown both the image, and the full model name.

Then I typed Bentley Arnage into Cardle, which was accepted as correct.

But yes, today the game is broken.


6,115 posts

215 months

Tuesday 21st January
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So hovering over the photo credit gives everything you need ... is that the same every day?

Would save me a lot of time most days wink


3,214 posts

129 months

Tuesday 21st January
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Mark-C said:
So hovering over the photo credit gives everything you need ... is that the same every day?
Yes it is exactly the same every day.
Click on the photographers name and it takes you to the original photo.
Keep it quiet though because it is the perfect way to cheat...although some will already be well aware of this. laugh


18,093 posts

229 months

Tuesday 21st January
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Ron240 said:
es it is exactly the same every day.
Click on the photographers name and it takes you to the original photo.
Keep it quiet though because it is the perfect way to cheat...although some will already be well aware of this. laugh
What would be the point of that though. You could just come here and type "one" without even looking at the Cardle website.


3,214 posts

129 months

Tuesday 21st January
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thegreenhell said:
What would be the point of that though. You could just come here and type "one" without even looking at the Cardle website.
Of course you could if you were that way inclined.
Probably better to also add a bit of detail though. biglaugh