MOT fail due to no BS mark on Plates

MOT fail due to no BS mark on Plates



1,380 posts

200 months

Tuesday 9th June 2009
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John Laverick said:
Ponk said:
On a completely unrelated note did you wave at a Blue S2 Rallye that was following you down the M1 on the bank holiday weekend?
Nope not me … although I did used to own a Blue S2 106 Rallye!
Seems you have a car twin then. I recognise your name from the Rallye Register, that's the only reason I asked. It was a very nice S2 as well if I remember.

I'm done spamming now, good luck with the plats smile

Tiny George

2 posts

11 months

Saturday 13th January
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Correct me if I’m wrong here, but I thought MOT’s was to ensure a vehicle was safe on the road? How does a missing BS number in very small font in the right hand bottom corner make it unsafe?

Tiny George

2 posts

11 months

Saturday 13th January
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Correct me if I’m wrong here, but I thought MOT’s was to ensure a vehicle was safe on the road? How does a missing BS number in very small font in the right hand bottom corner make it unsafe?


9,004 posts

101 months

Saturday 13th January
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Tiny George said:
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but I thought MOT’s was to ensure a vehicle was safe on the road? How does a missing BS number in very small font in the right hand bottom corner make it unsafe?
It’s more about making it road legal, that’s why stupidly spaced number plates fail.

944 Man

1,814 posts

140 months

Saturday 13th January
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Resurrected a 15yr dead thread to make two pointless posts: why?


6,442 posts

273 months

Saturday 13th January
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944 Man said:
Resurrected a 15yr dead thread to make two pointless posts: why?
Google search, you’d have to assume… I imagine the new poster has fallen foul of the same thing.


4,398 posts

38 months

Saturday 13th January
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Tiny George said:
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but I thought MOT’s was to ensure a vehicle was safe on the road? How does a missing BS number in very small font in the right hand bottom corner make it unsafe?
Just don’t put silly chav plates on.


27,228 posts

239 months

Saturday 13th January
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944 Man said:
Resurrected a 15yr dead thread to make two pointless posts: why?
One pointless post.

As is this one smile