GR Corolla



Original Poster:

1,341 posts

228 months

Thursday 7th November 2024
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Is it coming to the uk?

Thought I read something a while back about it testing at the ring for a Europe launch and they were talking about it today on the btg podcast.

Current Corolla owner and it’d almost be the ideal car for me if it is.


800 posts

230 months

Saturday 9th November 2024
quotequote all
Do not think we are getting it. Not many markets (if any) outside of Japan that got both models


5,470 posts

194 months

Wednesday 13th November 2024
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Looks like a lot of other right hand countries are getting along with the one I want the Lexus Morizo RR.
Toyota/Lexus turning out these fantastic fun cars but we the UK are not getting frownfrown


17,928 posts

174 months

Saturday 16th November 2024
quotequote all
GT4P said:
Looks like a lot of other right hand countries are getting along with the one I want the Lexus Morizo RR.
Toyota/Lexus turning out these fantastic fun cars but we the UK are not getting frownfrown
I suspect Toyota only selling one EV in the UK Will keep this from not being sold. They must be getting quite the penalty for not selling enough electric vehicles.