Lider 39750 Tilting Car Transporter

Lider 39750 Tilting Car Transporter



Original Poster:

793 posts

77 months

Tuesday 17th October 2023
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As the motorsport season draws to a close, I have decided to sell my Lider 39750 tilting car trailer.

(Details here:

It's a 2017 trailer, serviced last year (hubs repacked, hitch greased and the rest checked over), and comes with a winch, spare tyre under the bed (unused - this was an optional extra), and 13 pin electronics. I also have a spare hitch damper (also unused).

Plated weight is 1350KG and load capacity is 950kg.

It tows nicely behind my saloon car and has been entirely trouble free.

The trailer is currently located in dry storage near Burford, Oxfordshire but may be moved to near Cirencester, Gloucestershire in the near future.

I'm looking for £1650 payable via cash or bank transfer (ie. no Paypal, no Nigerian princes delivering it via homing pigeon etc wink )

For some reason I cannot share the images here but happy to share over email (or take advice as to where I can host them)