Westfield Kit For New Zealand

Westfield Kit For New Zealand



Original Poster:

4 posts

171 months

Monday 1st November 2010
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Hi All,

This is my first post on here but I've been a huge fan of PistonHeads for a long time now... great cars and brilliant articles, it's car p0rn!

Well, it looks like I'm going to be moving to New Zealand in early 2011 and handily, the company will be paying for all of our shipping, so I've been thinking... why not buy a Westy kit car and ship it out there in the container? I'll avoid the VAT here in the UK and have a great car that I can build and then drive on amazingly clear roads with beautiful scenery!

It all sounds perfect but the questions I have are... what am I missing? Has anyone ever done this before? Am I going to get hit with massive import charges in New Zealand on the parts given that the car won't be built yet? How about getting the car certified in NZ? What pitfalls am I facing?

Any advice from you guys is greatfully recieved!




14,343 posts

208 months

Monday 1st November 2010
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ship it as scrap ?

tell them its flat pack furniture ?

Say youre an artist and this is what you will use for your latest creation ?


4,112 posts

234 months

Tuesday 2nd November 2010
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If you really want a Westfield in NZ, and to build it, I'd speak to Westfield and see if they have done it before. I am sure there is a PH'er on here who gas a very nice Westfield XTR2 out there. But I'd make sure you have 100% of the bits in the box!!! But my preference would be buy the best secondhand one you can over here and ship it out as a completed and pre-registered car. You can take it all apart in a weekend and rebuild it at your leisure, not having to worry about testing and registering it. A mate took his Fury to Australia like that in a company container!!

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

242 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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Furyblade_Lee said:
I am sure there is a PH'er on here who gas a very nice Westfield XTR2 out there.
Yes there is, and here I am smile

In mourning because Westfield announce that there will be no more XTR2's after Dec 2010.



177 posts

219 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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Indeed it is....It looked lovely this morning when I was admiring the green monster in the other side of the garage wink I may even catchup with you one day lol!

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

242 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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D1GGY said:
Indeed it is....It looked lovely this morning when I was admiring the green monster in the other side of the garage wink I may even catchup with you one day lol!
You need to come in during the nightshift wink


1,871 posts

246 months

Tuesday 9th November 2010
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one of the best 7s out there.

these other links might help.



4,316 posts

220 months

Tuesday 9th November 2010
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Dont forget Westfield Aus / NZ.... http://www.westfield-sportscars.com.au/

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

242 months

Tuesday 9th November 2010
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deviant said:
Dont forget Westfield Aus / NZ.... http://www.westfield-sportscars.com.au/
Don't bother with them if you're coming to NZ. Most unhelpful for any NZ customers.