S205 C63 estate



Original Poster:

1,237 posts

211 months

Friday 13th December 2024
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And sailed through its B3 service and MOT at my local Mercedes dealership today although a little annoyed with the advisory for having a child seat fitted rolleyes. Grand total of £0.00. Thank you service plan.

Even received a health check video showing no issues and all the new parts I've had fitted recently. Not much use to me but if I do sell it, some reassurance to a potential buyer.

Edited by Mark83 on Friday 13th December 18:44


Original Poster:

1,237 posts

211 months

Thursday 19th December 2024
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Making full use of the estate. Squeezed in half a shed.

Not strictly another car spend but had an electric roller garage door fitted yesterday.

Edited by Mark83 on Thursday 19th December 18:09


Original Poster:

1,237 posts

211 months

Sunday 5th January
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Apologies, Tom. As per my reply, your email went into my junk folder.

I've parked the plan to sell for the time being but might need a two car solution instead of a direct replacement in a few months.

Edited by Mark83 on Sunday 5th January 13:03


Original Poster:

1,237 posts

211 months

Sunday 2nd February
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bobsavage789 said:
Apologies for potential thread hijacking…

Quite a few people commenting here seem to have experience of both M3/4 and C63. Which would you recommend as a daily driver, with the occasional spirited drive (not track days) thrown in? I’m looking at convertible versions of both, so they’d never be the last word in driving dynamics anyway…
I owned an M4 Competition before this and that was better dynamically with a keener front end to turn in. I've always said the AMGs are great up to 8/10ths and nearer the limit is where the M cars excel. I don't track this, and likely never will, but for the road, it's great but that's mainly down to the engine and theatre that comes with it.