Market research

Market research



Original Poster:

333 posts

126 months

Friday 28th October 2016
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Anyone fancy market research with me in London next week £200 1 hour maz owners only? Hope ok to post?


9,462 posts

178 months

Monday 31st October 2016
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please expand more on this exciting oportunity


16 posts

97 months

Monday 31st October 2016
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I'm a Maserati owner and in London this week. What do you want?


Original Poster:

333 posts

126 months

Wednesday 2nd November 2016
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One hour interview about your car on the Strand London. You need to have brought the car from new. £200 cash for the 1 hour interview. I did it the lady asked asked if I can find other owners.


1,037 posts

118 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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OP, is this still open? I work fairly close to the Strand and bought my GT new earlier in the year