glove box hinge t350 / tamora / sagaris

glove box hinge t350 / tamora / sagaris



Original Poster:

574 posts

231 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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After searching for a used glove box hinge mechanism , without much luck, I decided to make my own from stainless steel. Still a work in progress but if anyone is interested here's a few pics. Seems to fit better than standard resin moulded tvr one.


Original Poster:

574 posts

231 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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267 posts

215 months

Saturday 30th July 2016
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Nice one! I'm sure this will get a lot of interest.


179 posts

166 months

Sunday 31st July 2016
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Nice job
Please inform me when your progress will be definitive.
I'm really interested to update my car with your clever system !


209 posts

148 months

Sunday 31st July 2016
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Let us know the price you're selling them for? Lol


446 posts

197 months

Sunday 31st July 2016
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I'd be interested


197 posts

149 months

Sunday 31st July 2016
quotequote all
Me too!


Original Poster:

574 posts

231 months

Monday 1st August 2016
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One thing as always with the TVR is the fit is not consistent. I tried this design in my dash aperture which was okay. On another car , slightly out. Looks as though the plate would need slots machining into it to accomodate misalignment. I wouldnt mind manufacturing these items, but it would be on the pretense that a modicum of fettling would be needed by the owner. Would that be a potential issue ? Let me know..........

Edited by THREEFISHORANGE on Monday 1st August 22:31


121 posts

266 months

Tuesday 2nd August 2016
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Interested here too. Happy to fettle the fit!


300 posts

196 months

Tuesday 2nd August 2016
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Just in case it helps anyone I reversed the springs on my glove box lid last weekend. It wasn't fitting flush and would lift occasionally but a 15 min job and it now fits perfectly and holds shut. It needs to be held open now if you want to use it but I much prefer it and a great simple fix.


65 posts

123 months

Tuesday 2nd August 2016
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I'd be happy with a modicum of fettling so count me in too.

Mine was broken when I got the car and the lid had an annoying tendency to fly off at in-opportune moments so a replacement/fix is definitely needed!


345 posts

220 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2016
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I'd be interested


537 posts

252 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2016
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another intrested party here


Original Poster:

574 posts

231 months

Wednesday 3rd August 2016
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Bit of an update fellas......
I have ditched the original lid and replaced it with a new one. The original is resin moulded and seems to be a weak point( it was all cracked and broken into pieces ). I have carefully removed the covering from the old lid. But I coudnt remove the thin foam. This is now on order.
With the demand potentially growing for these, I am in the process of getting quotes for laser cutting the stainless components that make up the hinge mech. It could be the potential that I may supply the hinge along with a new lid. So all you would have to do is fit it to your inner pocket, then to the dash. Along with applying the new foam after adjustment, then the original vinyl or leather to finish? Who would potentially be up for this ? I suppose start a list for just hinge or complete assembly?
In the meantime I will try to get costs together and go from there Cheers.


446 posts

197 months

Thursday 4th August 2016
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1 x hinge here smile


179 posts

166 months

Friday 5th August 2016
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1 x hinge too for me


65 posts

123 months

Friday 5th August 2016
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I'll take a hinge too!


4,614 posts

199 months

Sunday 7th August 2016
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I would be interested too, so long as they don't cost a zillion pounds.


197 posts

149 months

Thursday 11th August 2016
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I've already replaced my lid which was bowed like a banana so just hinge for me please.



267 posts

215 months

Tuesday 23rd August 2016
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Name Hinge Only Complete Assembly Comment
gordonsalive 1
jaydom 1
shep1001 1 so long as they don't cost a zillion pounds
Yaaan 1
Whitenoise1 1
konrad.holl 1

Edited by konrad.holl on Tuesday 23 August 08:25