General FAQ



16,094 posts

217 months

Friday 17th October 2008
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Is it worth putting in here the general accepted revs Vs Oil temperature?

You know, 2.5k/rpm <50c...


76,499 posts

281 months

Sunday 15th August 2010
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Since this thread is stickied a FAQ I don't feel too bad about resurrecting it. smile

For reference, anyone needing to change the indicator bulb on the Sagaris (and I presume other T-cars too), the bulb is an offset bayonet and is an amber coloured bulb. Its a "PY21W-581".

Edited by JonRB on Sunday 15th August 14:13


76,499 posts

281 months

Saturday 21st August 2010
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Another snippet:

The front towing eye on the Sagaris is welded to the chassis rail under the car and is offset slightly to one side.
All RAC flatbeds carry a special strap consisting of a snap-clip, a short length of strap, and a D-ring so that they can access it.


6,316 posts

265 months

Sunday 1st May 2011
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mjc said:
alloypearltam said:
What an excellent thread.

Has anyone any experience of the Fuel Sensor error. I had that appear yesterday. I am fairly certain I have read about that issue frequently on here.

I have been and refulled to check that the readings were correct (which they were) so I am guessing it was a blip.

Yes, I think most of us have had that - especially when the tank gets to about 1/4 full. Its due to the fuel sloshing around in the tank. The more annoying feature of the sensor though is that it doesnt give accurate readings when the tank is low either. The most I have ever been able to fill the tank up by is 45ltrs - and that was when the gauge showed 2 litres left..! :O)
Which error is that? I used to fairly regularly get an error on starting the car and then slightly random readings for a few miles, but after some investigation during a big service now have completely random readings and error codes 11 and 19 showing on startup. Completely brimmed the tank an hour ago and it showed 0, then finally crept up to 27L where it remained for about 30 miles.

I'll take a look at the service schedule tomorrow, but pretty sure it had a new sender in the tank fitted which doesn't seem to have done the trick..


6,316 posts

214 months

Tuesday 10th June 2014
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Can you fit parking sensors?

Yes, use more modern electromagnetic ones rather than ultrasonic ones. Electromagnetic ones do not
require any body work and can be fitted out of sight using a simple aerial feed which can be stuck
to the existing undertray or behind the license plate.


799 posts

219 months

Tuesday 17th September 2019
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Easy headlight ,dip and main been upgrade ,Philips Racing vision bulbs,H7 ,often on reduction at 50%, Euro Car Parts.

Edited by astonman on Tuesday 17th September 11:45


30 posts

190 months

Sunday 17th November 2019
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Does ant body know F17SAG?
I’m about to purchase her
Any info would be appreciated


189 posts

229 months

Sunday 5th February 2023
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Any body know what is the ideal replacement battery for a 2005 T350c. As I am having a nightmare sourcing a suitable replacement !!!!