T350c Prototype Birmingham 2002 side view photo?

T350c Prototype Birmingham 2002 side view photo?



Original Poster:

638 posts

271 months

Tuesday 30th July 2024
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Is there anyone here who has a side view, preferably of the rear side windows, of the T350c prototype from the 2002 Birmingham Motor Show?

The evo wrote in the July 2003 issue that the "side windows are neater" and I have the impression that the window looked different. As if the black frame had been thinner and the window area larger.


7,873 posts

186 months

Tuesday 30th July 2024
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Does this help? Mine was the other launch car and prototype. These rear quarter lights are brand new, just needed trimming a fraction to suit.


Original Poster:

638 posts

271 months

Wednesday 31st July 2024
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Thanks robsco for the photo, I don't see any difference in the size and fit of the side window compared to later models. Whatever the article meant!

PS: cool story of your car!