TVR100 Tamora is now light green

TVR100 Tamora is now light green



Original Poster:

13 posts

280 months

Friday 19th October 2001
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I've just seen the press Tamora passing through Gloucester and it's not the yellow or red one but a light green, perhaps with a hint of blue. I can't remember seeing this one amongst the ones they're doing for the showrooms in the factory.


76,587 posts

282 months

Friday 19th October 2001
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I reckon its the same car and they just keep respraying it.

Has anyone actually seen 2 Tamoras together yet?


53,222 posts

294 months

Friday 19th October 2001
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It is the same car, it was discussed and i seem to rememeber pictured here on Plasternads a few weeks ago...


4,872 posts

291 months

Friday 19th October 2001
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TVR 100 and S6 TVR are factory owned regs that get used loads. They switch them from car to car. I remember seeing a gold/brown Cerbie with S6 TVR as it was the first Speed Six - now that reg is on the black Tuscan S demo car. What is really getting me is the Swordfish film cars. Check out this months Sprint - there are two cars with the same reg - one with bullet holes, the other intact!


2,745 posts

283 months

Friday 19th October 2001
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Actually I read TVR had sent several W998AFR-reg Tuscans to the US when they shot Swordfish;therefore the same reg for different cars...?

Edited by thom on Friday 19th October 13:00

Edited by thom on Friday 19th October 13:00


19 posts

283 months

Friday 19th October 2001
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I actually bought S6 TVR originally from DVLA, wish I still had it now as I have a S6 in oyster, the same colour as the car that the plate was debuted (is that a word?) on.
Subsequently sold to TVR, dont ask how much for.


58 posts

294 months

Friday 19th October 2001
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"100 TVR" is actually Mole Valley TVR's
reg No, but on loan to TVR, on their
press demo (the Swordfish blue Tamora).
"TVR 100" is Blackpools, last seen on a different car! the yellow Tamora.

Mole Valley


7,156 posts

287 months

Friday 19th October 2001
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It must have been the "100 TVR" you saw which is on loan from Mole Valley.

The yellow Tamora "TVR 100" is now a metallic red and is on its way to Tesco's at the moment to do the shopping.


2,238 posts

293 months

Friday 19th October 2001
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I actually bought S6 TVR originally from DVLA, wish I still had it now as I have a S6 in oyster, the same colour as the car that the plate was debuted (is that a word?) on.
Subsequently sold to TVR, dont ask how much for.

How much for ?


3,829 posts

284 months

Sunday 11th November 2001
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for anyone who cares, the Light Green Tamora, TVR 100, is sitting on the TVR Stand at the Scottish Motor Show, love the colour but the interior is so frickin dull it's sickenin!!


6,809 posts

288 months

Sunday 11th November 2001
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The Tamora interior is NOT dull, it jusn't isn't all brass, wood, or some other esoteric shit. It may be a bit more mainstream, but it all works. Try asking the opinion of a few Tuscan owners, whether they'd rather have a conventional set of dials that work, or the stuttery brass thing currently fitted. It is an interior with very high quality control and build standards, and will last well, and look good for a long time. It has incredibly supportive, comfy seats, trick aluminium stalks and handbrake lever, superb heater controls, what the hell do you want?


107 posts

280 months

Sunday 11th November 2001
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IMHO Compared to a Griff or a Cerb the Tamora looks shite both inside and out, and that goes for the Tuscan as well. TVRs top models used to be the Griff 500 and Cerbera 4.2/4.5 and that made me proud to be British, both the cars were the dogs bollocks. Now we have the tamora and tuscan and both these cars fail to pull at my heart strings like the Griff/Cerb did. Why did TVR not develop the Griff more. Check out the 1996 Griffith Speed Six on page 8 of Steve Heath Griff book. Now just change the 6 for a V8 and what do you have, PERFECTION.


6,809 posts

288 months

Sunday 11th November 2001
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Sorry, Finston, but all you have with that recipe is a tail happy, harsh-riding re-hashed old car. The Griff is a beautiful car, but is based on an old design, and is not that user-friendly. It is time for TVR to move on if they want to survive, and the Tuscan has met with a considerable amount of stirred-up praise from all over the world - it isn't perfect, but it's different to the Griff, and teh Griff speed six was dumped after the '96 motor show because it couldn't be developed as a new idea, just a re-hash. So it became the Tuscan. The Tamora addresses all the failings of the Chimaera - too much low down torque, harsh ride, poor grip except on smooth, dry, straight roads, and mediocre handling. You live in the past if you want too, but I've driven the Tamora, and it is bloody fantastic, and will be a great car. I can't remember the Griff ever being reviewd as one of the best handling cars in the world - best looking maybe, but there's a hell of a lot more to sports cars these days. I think TVR are in the process of modernising their range, and doing a good job, IMHO. Both these cars (Tuscan/Tamora) make ME proud to be British, because they do what the Chimaera and Griff could never do - compete with the best cars in the world on merit, on a level playing field. Is that really so bad?

Edited by nubbin on Sunday 11th November 21:25


107 posts

280 months

Sunday 11th November 2001
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I hear what your saying about handling and so on, But I like my TVR,s tail happy and scary. To me the Griff 500 and Cerb had what I needed, my fix so to say, aggression and beauty with a blend of old and new styling and not forgetting that V8. Thats what TVR said to me and thats what I like.
Its just the new models don't do it for me, TVR seem to be more interested in the city boy image now days.

Anyway good luck with your Tamora, we will just have to agree to disagree.


39,731 posts

294 months

Sunday 11th November 2001
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Fin, I'm with nubbin on this one,I love my Griff for what it is, raw, undiluted and pure and I intend to keep it for ever. I believe you are quite new to the owning experience and therefor understandably still in the blown away phase. I've experienced the Tamora on Millbrook and, I'm sorry mate, it is the future for TVR (although I still have reservations lookswise) the black Tuscan S with black wheels must appeal to you a little though

Edited by apache on Sunday 11th November 22:44


6,809 posts

288 months

Sunday 11th November 2001
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Don't worry, Finston, it's not just buy-with-bonus city boys who like Tamoras! I live oop north, where there's lots of lovely uncongested roads - I'll try to keep TVR spirit as pure as I can!!


3,829 posts

284 months

Monday 12th November 2001
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When i said the interior was dull, i didn't mean it wasn't practical!! It is, probably, the best interior have ever made, to fit in with the rest of the car. It is dull because it is all one colour, BLACK! The interior should be more colourful, i'm not talking rainbow style hear, i'm talking magnolia, walnut dash or something along those lines! something you want to look at!!


107 posts

280 months

Monday 12th November 2001
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Blown away phaze,

Yeah I've never driven a fast car or bike before,

Its not about, Fuck it I can't be f***in arsed.

If you don't get it , you just don't get it.


39,731 posts

294 months

Tuesday 13th November 2001
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eerr...fin, I don't get it. tvradict, nubbin says that the TMS one is pretty overpowering inside, you can spec em how you like, Team Pro used to have a Cerby belonging to a Villa fan (I think footie is not my thang)maroon/purple with a light blue leather interior. It looked new and was impossible to sell, anyone know it's history?

Edited by apache on Tuesday 13th November 07:29


3,829 posts

284 months

Tuesday 13th November 2001
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I appear to have got myself arse about face here! I looked at the outside of the car, nice colour, i'll have to give the shape a few more looks before i fall in love with it! I looked inside and, all in black it looks dull! Awful, i don't think this is the TMS car, this was on the Logik TVR Scotland stand (New dealership). Also was a tuscan with was in a light colour and was gorgeous in and out! I'm not saying they should change the layout but a variation of colours would make it look more attractive!