


6,809 posts

288 months

Wednesday 7th November 2001
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Your mum must get a lot of overtime, then!! LOL


7,156 posts

287 months

Wednesday 7th November 2001
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I suppose you could say she is a bit snowed under at the moment. I think she would like to blame it on Dad and him not testing the cars properly, but he does a bloody good job and far more cars would be breaking if he was slacking.

All the cars can only leave the factory on his say so. They all work perfectly before they leave, its just down to bad components (IMO) why they keep breaking and I think its most unfair to blame the factory (ok flames are due).

I know if I ever got the money to buy a car I would be glad that Dad was the one to test it...


499 posts

293 months

Thursday 8th November 2001
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Gaffer's Dad = Dave C

Clive Reed
Zertec Limited


6,809 posts

288 months

Thursday 8th November 2001
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I hope he will test my Tamora, then!!


7,156 posts

287 months

Thursday 8th November 2001
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He more than likely will test it. Just don't blame him if it breaks 6 months down the line.


39,731 posts

294 months

Thursday 8th November 2001
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err, who's Dave C


1,851 posts

294 months

Thursday 8th November 2001
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well if I were to have a wild stab in the dark I'd guess it is Dave Cumming (it says Claire Cumming in Gaffers profile )

Edited by MikeE on Thursday 8th November 13:41


39,731 posts

294 months

Thursday 8th November 2001
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ok....who, etc etc, if he's the head test driver, gizza job!!

Edited by apache on Thursday 8th November 13:55


7,156 posts

287 months

Thursday 8th November 2001
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LOL. Head Test Driver, he is the only test driver.

As for a job - believe me you wouldn't want to do it.


391 posts

294 months

Friday 9th November 2001
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I am suprised that you guys have such a problem with Porsche and the Boxster S, I am a TVR club member and I attend many TVR track days in my Boxster S and have great fun.yes I get a bit of stick about German engineering is it turned on etc but most of the club members recongnise that its a good car and can hold its own with much more powerfull cars on the track (no traction control fitted)why do people have to have a go at other marques, just enjoy what you have , who cares what drivel says just drive the f#cker

Neil Menzies

5,167 posts

294 months

Friday 9th November 2001
quotequote all

I am suprised that you guys have such a problem with Porsche and the Boxster S, I am a TVR club member and I attend many TVR track days in my Boxster S and have great fun.yes I get a bit of stick about German engineering is it turned on etc but most of the club members recongnise that its a good car and can hold its own with much more powerfull cars on the track (no traction control fitted)why do people have to have a go at other marques, just enjoy what you have , who cares what drivel says just drive the f#cker

Having been chased, and passed, by the above mentioned Boxster S on Knockhill, yes it is quick too... but then at Outlon Park it seemed that everything was going past me any my lowly 4.0 Chimaera
I was pleased to see the Porsche forum opened up here - I've never driven one, and I don't believe they've got their reputation as drivers' cars from so many people over the years for nothing.

Ian - give you a trade next time on track?



2,745 posts

283 months

Friday 9th November 2001
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Why do everybody keep comparing TVRs to Porsches?
Porsches are a CLASS OF THEIR OWN (whcih doesn't mean they are superior); they should not be compared to any other brand for each Porsche is a car with different abilities:
1)when you go shopping you just feel like driving a golf
2)when you storm down a B-road you are in a Porsche
So the comparison TVR/Porsche is to my mind completely irrationnal
Please stop comparing Porsches with other cars.

Edited by thom on Friday 9th November 12:34

Edited by thom on Friday 9th November 12:35

Edited by thom on Friday 9th November 12:35

Edited by thom on Friday 9th November 12:37


28,377 posts

294 months

Friday 9th November 2001
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Its fun to compare them, though! I own a Boxster S AND a TVR Chimaera 4.5 and its a hoot to compare and contrast them.

And guess what - I never feel the need to be rude about either of them...for the most part people on this forum enjoy having a good argument about which one's best...and no hard feelings if opinions differ...

So compare away everyone!

BTW: Tamora - looking good. I think I'll have to test drive one...


39,731 posts

294 months

Friday 9th November 2001
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Don, you might just need one car after a test drive


6,809 posts

288 months

Friday 9th November 2001
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I'm not sure that anyone here is being overly crtical of the Boxster - the problem that has irritated most of the contribuors to this thread is an apparent reluctance in some quarters to acknowledge that the Tamora is a bloody good car, in a lot of respects better than the Boxster in what they do as cars. Lets face it, Porsche build superb cars, and overall are a better product than TVR has been able to make thus far, but that superiority has been significantly eroded with the Tamora, and I don't see why we TVR lovers shouln't have a little crow about it!!


21,671 posts

282 months

Friday 9th November 2001
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nubbin ... you sound like an Aston Villa fan ...