How many volunteers here?

How many volunteers here?



Original Poster:

2,745 posts

283 months

Tuesday 4th December 2001
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How many guys here have put their names down for the Tamora?
Just for personal stats;thanks


9,238 posts

294 months

Tuesday 4th December 2001
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Well, I have ordered one. Hoping to get it in March.


Original Poster:

2,745 posts

283 months

Tuesday 4th December 2001
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It will be interesting to see if the first ones will be sold with premiums...

Edited by thom on Tuesday 4th December 21:57


6,809 posts

288 months

Wednesday 5th December 2001
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I've got one on it's way, too! If you want figures, why not ring round the dealers and ask, or ring the factory?

Edited by nubbin on Wednesday 5th December 09:14


1,879 posts

292 months

Wednesday 5th December 2001
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Me too, ordered on the 1st day of last year's Motor Show.
I'm getting the 5th customer car and have been told February.
Cheers....... Andrew


Original Poster:

2,745 posts

283 months

Wednesday 5th December 2001
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If you want figures, why not ring round the dealers and ask, or ring the factory?

I'm too shy


9,238 posts

294 months

Wednesday 5th December 2001
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I've got one on it's way, too! If you want figures, why not ring round the dealers and ask, or ring the factory?

Edited by nubbin on Wednesday 5th December 09:14

Not sure about ringing the factory mate. They wont tell me when mine is coming ,just a vague "March, hopefully"

nubbin, what is your chassis no, last three digits, not the whole thing?


1,851 posts

294 months

Wednesday 5th December 2001
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well I saw one on the road this morning whilst on my way to work. I had to do a double take as I really wasn't expecting to see one until the new year.

I can only assume it must have been a demo. However I saw it coming of J4 of the M3 and the nearest dealer is Hawthorns - but there's is being finished in Gunmetal grey and this one was silver - so who was it????


1,879 posts

292 months

Wednesday 5th December 2001
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I called into Hawthorns Sunday. They're not expecting their demonstrator until this Friday so it must have been another dealer? Fernhurst aren't too far away?
Cheers....... Andrew


6,809 posts

288 months

Wednesday 5th December 2001
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nubbin, what is your chassis no, last three digits, not the whole thing?

Not got a number, yet, flasher, but what's the significance of the last 3 numbers?


9,238 posts

294 months

Wednesday 5th December 2001
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Not got a number, yet, flasher, but what's the significance of the last 3 numbers?

Well my chassis no. ends in 1090. I can't beleive they are going to build 1089 cars in two months so I am presuming mine is 090???
Ask your dealer(or the factory) for your chassis no. It might give us a clue...


1,329 posts

301 months

Wednesday 5th December 2001
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Hawthorns car is getting it's interior put in tomorrow or Friday apparently. Is the silver one from Castle TVR?

Jason F

1,183 posts

294 months

Wednesday 5th December 2001
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Castle TVR does have a silver one, but they hadn`t got the reg docs when I was there last week, and I called again today and they still didn`t have them so have not had a chance to run the car in as yet ?!?!


1,879 posts

292 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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Flasher, my chasis number is 1501 and that's for the 5th customer car. Not sure there's any build order associated with it?
Cheers...... Andrew


1,851 posts

294 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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Hawthorns car is getting it's interior put in tomorrow or Friday apparently. Is the silver one from Castle TVR?

I would of thought Fernhurst was most likely. I've looked at their site but there's no mention of their demonstrator. Anyone know if they have have it yet, and if so is it silver?



9,238 posts

294 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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Flasher, my chasis number is 1501 and that's for the 5th customer car. Not sure there's any build order associated with it?
Cheers...... Andrew

That is bloody weird isn't it? Maybe if we get a few more numbers we can try to make some sense of it.
Anyone else know their chassis number?


9,238 posts

294 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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Flasher, my chasis number is 1501 and that's for the 5th customer car. Not sure there's any build order associated with it?
Cheers...... Andrew

Andrew, How did you find out that your car was the fifth???


1,879 posts

292 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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Spoke to Sue a couple of weeks ago. She told me my car was 'in-build' but not yet painted.
Spoke to her again today and it seems that there's not much progress on my car as they're busy working on the dealer demos.
She said that my dealer (Kings) wouldn't be getting their car until January and mine some time in February!
So unlike you and Nubbin I'm yet to drive one!
Cheers...... Andrew


2,061 posts

282 months

Friday 7th December 2001
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Hmmm.. Mole Valley got their demonstrator on Tuesday (silver, with black interior).

Drove it on Wednesday. Very nice! I can see what all the rave reviews are about now. Felt a lot less intimidating than the Tuscan, and easier to throw around. Obviously the car had to be run in, so couldn't open it up, but definately a fun car to drive.



6,809 posts

288 months

Saturday 8th December 2001
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My chassis number is 1042. Due for build mid-late January...