Tamora Egroup?



Original Poster:

1,851 posts

294 months

Thursday 10th January 2002
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So Flasher, Nubbin, gb61390 (and any other imminent Tamora owners) who's going to setup the Tamora Egroup?


6,809 posts

288 months

Thursday 10th January 2002
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I think I'd rather chat on this forum, because I want everyone to know how good a car it will be!! I was subscribed to the Tuscan e-group for a while, and it got very dull trawling through a load of e-mails every day - deleting 5-600 e-mails at a time was boring! Besides, I don't want to get into an elitist attitude. We're all TVR lovers, and I will share all my experiences driving a Tamora - good and bad!! I wouldn't mind a regular meeting of Tamora owners - Smug-buggers United would be a good group name I suspect...


1,879 posts

292 months

Thursday 10th January 2002
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Don't really mind? I haven't used an egroup before but if nubbin's experience is anything to go by it could be a pain the arse!
I've got my hands on a Tamora demo for 3 hours tomorrow so eventually I'll know what all the fuss is about!
Sold my Chimaera yesterday so am now using my girlfiriend's 1960 Morris Minor!
Never mind, less than 2 weeks to my Tamora..........
Cheers....... Andrew


2,238 posts

293 months

Thursday 10th January 2002
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I vote you guys keep it on here. I've never fancied a Chim or Griff as they seem too 'popular' and the Tuscan isn't a real convertible so I've stuck with the S series.

The Tamora is the first TVR I'd consider getting to replace the S in a year or two so I'm very interested to hear how you guys get on over the coming months - and if you want to demo yours to me at one of this years meetings that'll be ok.

Now if I could keep the S as my weekend classic and get a Tamora for everyday use..... I'll work on the wife....



6,809 posts

288 months

Thursday 10th January 2002
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..... I'll work on the wife....


ooeerr, post up the photos when you've finished!!

Seriously, though, when we've got 'em, let's arrange a meeting for a laugh and a thrash. i'll see you at the factory, flasher, and possibly gb as well, so we'll work it out then.

Edited by nubbin on Thursday 10th January 14:42


928 posts

294 months

Thursday 10th January 2002
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Thought I should write again here. have put the Fernhurst fiasco behind me and now re ordered the Tamora!!
Unlike you lucky chaps, mine is arriving hopefully(not yet confirmed) so she can blast her way down to Le mans this year. I would love to meet up with any Tamora owners who are going there this year(wether I have Tamora or not)
I would prefer to chat here, i have been keeping my eye on you all whilst drowning out my Fernhurst problems!!!!!!


6,809 posts

288 months

Thursday 10th January 2002
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Dicky - welcome back into the fold! Glad you still have faith in TVR, if not certain dealers - I went through the same process with Hillfoot, getting the rug pulled from under my Tamora order. Hey-ho, it's on it's way. We should organise a meeting in Spring, so watch this space..


9,238 posts

294 months

Thursday 10th January 2002
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egroup wise I'm not so sure. I was (and still am) on the Cerbera group when I had the Cerby. Just got a bit bored with "help! my wipers are not working " stuff on there!!!

A lot of is good banter but I prefer it on here as has been said previously.

As for Le Mans. I am definitely going along with benno in his 996, my Tamora, apache's Griff and two other friends in their Ferrari 308 and Cerbera!! Quite a convoy!!

If anyone wants a clue to what the Tamora sounds like and looks like flat out, get this months evo and pop the CD in your computer.... you won't be disappointed!


352 posts

294 months

Thursday 10th January 2002
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Hi Guys, I too should be at Le Mans in the Tamora. Got news from the factory that my car is going into paint tomorrow. Not sure if I can make it on the 1st, apparently Danielle is very booked up with excited Tamora owners !!!! So I might go the week after. So if you can ask her about the "Candy Grand Blue" Tamora and take a few picture for me that would be great.