MG Midget...V8 in disguise… Super Sprite

MG Midget...V8 in disguise… Super Sprite


Flying Phil

Original Poster:

1,668 posts

155 months

Friday 20th September 2024
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Another trip out to join with other members of the Midget and Sprite club at a local hostelry.

The brakes are still poor though and not all the lights are working so - after a push start(!) I left early.

Flying Phil

Original Poster:

1,668 posts

155 months

Friday 4th October 2024
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I needed to do a bit more work on the Sprite so I decided that the electrics on the spare bonnet needed to have the multiplug fitted....but then I got distracted and ended up taking the 6" ram pipes off and changing to the spare "discrete" bonnet. This is far more practical for street driving and will, hopefully, make it more saleable...

It is very quiet in this part of PH!


7,349 posts

238 months

Friday 4th October 2024
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Might be quiet but I enjoy your updates and I am sure others do as well. Keep going

Flying Phil

Original Poster:

1,668 posts

155 months

Sunday 6th October 2024
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Thanks Tr7V8
A long time ago I drag raced my version of a TR7 V8...


5,222 posts

113 months

Tuesday 8th October 2024
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Probably not wrong about making it more saleable but I actually prefer it with the huge honking intake bonnet fitted. Just looks brilliant (but is probably less than ideal for seeing where you're going!).

As always, love seeing this thing.

Flying Phil

Original Poster:

1,668 posts

155 months

Friday 11th October 2024
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I got the car out in the sunshine today....

It shows the Black Cherry Mica paint.

Flying Phil

Original Poster:

1,668 posts

155 months

Saturday 30th November 2024
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As the winter has arrived I needed to put the Sprite away. This is a fairly long process as I needed to get the garage clear to access the storage "See-Saw", get the spare wheels and tyres down from the garage "loft". Remove the front wheels and bleed the brakes. Put the Rostyle front and back wheels/tyres on the car ( The alloy wheels tend to leak air when not in use). Then get the car turned round to back into the garage and slowly winch it up and onto the See- Saw.

I still need to get the spare bonnet put away - but that is the job for another day!


5,222 posts

113 months

Sunday 1st December 2024
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Pleased to see you've kept it though the year and wow quite the procedure to tuck it away!

Flying Phil

Original Poster:

1,668 posts

155 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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All tucked away for the winter with the spare bonnet up in the air. The plan is to get it back into action after Easter next year to do some local trips and shows.

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