My car can't forget it had a flat tyre

My car can't forget it had a flat tyre



Original Poster:

160 posts

224 months

Tuesday 22nd October 2024
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Last weekend I ended up with a 6cm piece of metal in the sidewall of my tyre. No idea how it happened, but when I went to start the car the following morning, I was greeted with bleeps and lights and warnings. The normal 240KPA was at 10KPA.

Fortunately the car (a 2014 Infiniti Q50) has run-flat tyres, so I was able to get it to Kwik-Fit for a replacement. However despite a new tyre, the car can't get over the trauma of it. Every time I start the car it says "Flat tyre" even despite the fact that once the tyre pressures are all reported back to the dashboard readout, they are all at 240KPA. At this point the car is both reporting a flat tyre and telling me and itself all 4 tyres are at 24KPa. Electronic Doubethink.

I suppose I may have to find one of those less-than-knowledgable Nissan dealers Infiniti appointed after it abandoned it's customers in Europe and ask them but if there's anything else I can do except that, advice welcome. Is this expected car behaviour that a flat tyre warning needs a dealer-computer-reset to tell it to get over itself?


Original Poster:

160 posts

224 months

Wednesday 23rd October 2024
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Thanks for the replies so far. I found the TPMS reset in the main car menu, and it does say it's done it when I click it, but the car still doesn't stop thinking it has a flat, so I'll have to find somewhere with a diagnostic thing to plug in to it.


Original Poster:

160 posts

224 months

Tuesday 5th November 2024
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Conclusion of this topic if anyone finding it later with the same issues: Nissan dealer cleared the fault for me.. but certainly not for free, or even cheap.