Tyres for a Mini Cooper


Louis Balfour

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232 months

Saturday 30th November 2024
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We've a Mini with Sumitomo BC100s on it.

They seem to have been ok, but the fronts need replacing.

I am a bit wary instinctively about mixing tyres. What is the PH wisdom as regards whether to source two the same or buy something else?

Louis Balfour

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28,156 posts

232 months

Saturday 30th November 2024
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wyson said:
Replace the lot for a decent set.

Im shocked, weren’t you considering buying a Patek Philippe at one stage, but run around with budget tyres?

Look up your tyre size on tyrereviews.com and get a full set that is well rated.

Edited by wyson on Saturday 30th November 13:10
The car came with them, they were brand new. I have found them to be OK and tyrereviews seems to give them a decent rap.

Edited by Louis Balfour on Saturday 30th November 14:21

Louis Balfour

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28,156 posts

232 months

Saturday 30th November 2024
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SlimJim16v said:
wyson said:
Replace the lot for a decent set.
So what do you think is wrong with the Sumitomos then, out of interest?

They are a budget tyre, yes. But they seem to get reasonable reviews.

Louis Balfour

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28,156 posts

232 months

Saturday 30th November 2024
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BenS94 said:
Louis Balfour said:
SlimJim16v said:
wyson said:
Replace the lot for a decent set.
So what do you think is wrong with the Sumitomos then, out of interest?

They are a budget tyre, yes. But they seem to get reasonable reviews.
Budget tyre... you said it yourself.

Mini fit Falken as their cheaper option, I've had no bother with those I've experienced. I assume yours will be 195/55 R16 non run flat - in which case, I'd look to go Yokohama - quiet, grippy, well priced.
Budget doesn’t necessarily equate to bad, does it? I used to run budgets on our Range Rovers because they were actually IIRC a Pirelli design and our local LR dealership put me on to them. A bit noisier than other tyres but much cheaper.

Louis Balfour

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28,156 posts

232 months

Saturday 30th November 2024
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So these are the tyres, what do people suggest?

Value is important but I don’t want death traps.

I am assuming we are talking about a set of four, rather than changing out the fronts.

Ignore the S Works centre caps, it’s a. 1.5 Cooper with sporty pretensions.

Louis Balfour

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28,156 posts

232 months

Saturday 30th November 2024
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Wicker Man said:
Louis Balfour said:
…the fronts need replacing.

I am a bit wary instinctively about mixing tyres.
I wouldn’t be throwing away the rears if they still had plenty of tread and the new fronts were of a similar type.
How similar is similar?

An aside - I remember back in the 80s when we'd put Town and Country on the front of Minis, and leave the rears standard.

Louis Balfour

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28,156 posts

232 months

Saturday 30th November 2024
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Wicker Man said:
That’s is obviously subjective, but as you say your current Sumitomo BC100s (which I’ve never heard of, but seem to have good reviews) are OK, and value is important, then a new pair of the same should be on your short list.

Yes I didn't think the reviews were awful! They weren't "buy these tyres and die" but some of the feedback on here is as though it would be like putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger.

As for the comment earlier "I can't believe you would buy a Patek, but buy budget tyres". If I can buy a Patek, it's probably because I am careful how I spend money in other areas.

The car is owned by our business, and is one of a number that we run. It is the least used, the most ABused and the one most likely to have the tyre kerbed / punctured / doughnutted. So if I can safely replace the old tyres with the same model without killing anyone I may do so.

That is not to say that I won't look at options. I defer to the knowledge of other posters.

Louis Balfour

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28,156 posts

232 months

Saturday 30th November 2024
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BenS94 said:
Your current Sumitomos vs Kumho. I'd definitely go Kumho here, with the 10% off, and I've not experienced any issues with them in 16" guise driving dads MG3 rather enthusiastically.

Edited by BenS94 on Saturday 30th November 19:17
Thanks for that Ben.

Do we think the Kumho are close enough to the sumitomos to change just the fronts?

Louis Balfour

Original Poster:

28,156 posts

232 months

Saturday 30th November 2024
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wyson said:
Or even the money you could have saved replacing one lost Airbud,instead of getting a new pair, that could have gone on
decent tyres no?
I've never had a stalker before. It's quite exciting.

Louis Balfour

Original Poster:

28,156 posts

232 months

Sunday 1st December 2024
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BenS94 said:
nordboy said:
and31 said:
SlimJim16v said:
New tyres should* go on the back.

*can of worms
On a front wheel drive car?
I’d rather have the new ones on the front
Makes no difference where the 'drive' of the vehicle is, many tests to show that new tyres should go on the rear of the vehicle. Do a google and there's many explanations why.
For me, my logic would be in relation to preventing a lift off oversteer scenario.
I've ordered 4 x of the Kumhos you suggested. I will retain the part-worn rears in case we need a couple of tyres when we move on the car.

I was going to regale the assembled crowd with a pork pie about having found some part-worn BC100s on Ebay, but I don't have time this weekend for such japes.

Many thanks Ben and to the others who contributed.