Wheeler Dealers - Dodge Charger available

Wheeler Dealers - Dodge Charger available



Original Poster:

6,087 posts

184 months

Thursday 14th July 2011
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To quote:

"We are selling a 1970 Dodge Charger. The car is currently undergoing a refurbishment for a TV programme.

Year: 1970
Engine: 383 Magnum V8
Mileage: 74350
Price: £24,995 ono

The car is a US import bought in a dry state so it is LHD. Black. Power steering. 4 speed pistol grip manual transmission.



The bodywork on the car is immaculate and nothing has had to be done to the interior. Underneath it is structurally very sound with none of the rust often found around the suspension mountings on these cars.

The car is in Berkshire. We’re looking to arrange viewers over the coming two weeks. Only serious interested parties please.

If anyone wants further details or to arrange a viewing please email me: matt@attaboytv.com. Please note that any potential buyer may be filmed for the television programme."

Go on, I dare ya!