Lets look at our guitars thread

Lets look at our guitars thread



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238 months

Sunday 17th February 2008
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Only got this acoustic at the moment - made by Oakwood Instruments as a show guitar (a demonstration of their skills with wood and sound etc...). Bear claw spruce top with Quilted Maple back and sides, Ebony fretboard with Burgbinga bindings - Grover MHeads.

Had it for 5 years now - one guitar I'll never sell.

Plays even better than she looks - I used to play alot in folk sessions and wanted something that would cut through - she does that and more. One of those guitars that when you hit a chord the harmonics get more complex and rich rather than diminish.

Sold all my electrics before I came out to Dubai.

I feel a LP 59 Reissue is on the cards very soon thansk to a deal I can get through a mate here.

Edited by Asterix on Sunday 17th February 13:54


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238 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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Here's my next purchase - a 59 reissue - faded tabacco - should be ordering next month.
Finaly convinced the missus that while its quite pricey - it will hold its value (not that I'll ever sell it smile hehe)

And a piccy of my playing at Barrowlands back in the day with my first Les Paul - Studio. by then it was my back up guitar but also had the action set high for slide work.


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238 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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Have a look at the US websites - far cheaper than the UK as well - that's where will mine will be sourced.


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Tuesday 19th May 2009
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Eggle - Patrick used to live down the road from me (Slap End (yes it's a real place and not a made up Benny Hill name) near Harpenden) and would pop over and see what he was making.

Also played in the village band with him. I'd also guest on a few tracks and would play some of his personal guitars - all very nice too!


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Monday 28th September 2009
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philmccann said:
Here's mine

Couple of lovelies there.

I have a new addition to the family. Pics to follow shortly.


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Tuesday 29th September 2009
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New addition smile

Btw - massive thanks to GingerPaul. Next time mate.


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Tuesday 29th September 2009
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Some nice stuff there - both coming in, going out & staying.

I'd be interested to know how you built the collection up. Enthusiastic amateur? Working muso? Over how long and the why's.

Probably take you ages to build up the story - I also think it would be interesting for others building a collection as they all seem to compliment each other.


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238 months

Tuesday 29th September 2009
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Evangelion said:
Enthusiastic amateur and occasionally working muso Asterix. To build up this collection has taken a few years, the earliest acquisition is the blue Strat which I bought in 1996 and is the only one I have which has actually earned me any gig money.

Although this may soon change as I have an audition this evening - wish me luck!

ETA Nice Les Paul Asterix!

Edited by Evangelion on Tuesday 29th September 17:26
I'll have my fingers & toes crossed for you.

I only ever did one audition. Didn't play a thing - mainly because there was a rock legend, or so he thought, called 'Angel' also auditioning and he wouldn't shut up about how good he was in a Whitesnake type of vibe hehe

I muttered something about Cream, Floyd and Zep and was given the gig. Turned out down the line, we got deal with Nude in the UK and Sony worldwide and was 'pro' for four fun filled years smile

Not many can say they were big in Poland & Turkey... (for good reason, haha)

Still can't play for toffee though. No justice, eh?

Anyway - best of luck. Let us know how you get on.


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238 months

Saturday 3rd October 2009
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No matter what I try I cannot put photos (as they were called) on the computer/internet/whatever but the current armaments include:
335 Sunburst
Danelectro reissue,
Gretsch electrone,
Hoppus hybrid Fender bass,
Peter Hook's acoustic Martin (used to write the riffs for the last 2 NO albums (!)
...generally run through Marshall valve and a generic Fender bass combo.
and a stray blue acoustic of indeterminate parentage.
Sounds awesome mate - hope you get the "photo" thing sorted.

Eve - lovely thing. Sorry to hear about the aud..

Edited by Asterix on Saturday 3rd October 23:45


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238 months

Monday 12th October 2009
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johnbaz said:
marshall jcm2000 dsl-401 in need of four EL84 tubes..

What did you think of the 401. I used to have a DSL 100 head years ago that I loved - I'm looking for a smaller tube amp.


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238 months

Monday 12th October 2009
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gingerpaul said:
Asterix said:
I'm looking for a smaller tube amp.
Got a Marshall Class 5 turning up sometime this week. It may be just what you're looking for so I'll post up in the amps thread when it arrives with a mini review. smile
Stop it - you know I'm in a 'challenging' place. Took me a year to get the bloody guitar...


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238 months

Tuesday 13th October 2009
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hehe the guitar is ace by the way - really enjoying it.

I have mate out here who can get hold of Marshall stuff so it will be interesting to see what deal he can do as it sounds ideal - read some reviews and it looks good.


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Monday 13th September 2010
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Stonebridge said:
Here's my collection sitting out in the garden.

All acoustic here...

Nice stuff mate.


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Friday 17th September 2010
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Some nice stuff there Russell.

I keep mine of stands as above - that way, they get picked up and played often. If I keep them in the cases then it is far less often.


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Thursday 24th March 2011
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Original Poster:

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Sunday 27th March 2011
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The last SG is awesome - really like it.